martinn your hostess at key2paris
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Dear future Paris visitors : you have found your nest here !

Read the reviews here, on  Sawday's website, Trip Advisor, some on Facebook, Yelp, Google... Get your free guide with information on Paris and key2paris.

Hope to see you soon and share my beloved Paris with you. The goal at key2paris is to help you find what you were looking for, build unforgettable memories. A very custom-designed experience and attentive service.

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"In flight to Cape Town. I will pleasantly sit with your email and a cup of tea You made such an impact on us. We are grateful to have had the opportunity to meet you in person and have such wonderful conversation and time with you. And your generous help and recommendations, superb!!!

"We had an amazing day today and also the day before after we left you and you recommended we walk towards the river.
Today we had breakfast at a cafe on rue Montorgueil, and went early for a walk at Place de Vosges, rue des Archives and that whole area because earlier there were less people, we bought tea at Mariage Frères. After that we had our tickets for the Brancusi Retrospective (incredible! What a prolific artist and so interesting!
 After Pompidou, we decided to walk towards Galerie Granoff  and loved the Chagalls! So many! Than you so much for the recommendation, we would have never known about it.

*Fantastic !!!  Thank you so much for the information you sent.

*Then hotel has booked our taxi as you recommended.
We’ll be there; Thank you for making the time.
*Aww ! We miss your already dear Martinn. Hug you. Thank you so much   We carry you in our hearts
*After all of that we went back to Hotel Chopin for a nap;
and this evening we walked to your other wonderful recommendation: Le Cochon à l'oreille and we loved it. It felt like eating a real homemade meal, and we loved the man that runs the place, such a friendly, nice man.
What a great suggestion, Martinn! We are so grateful for it. So enjoyed it.
*Tomorrow morning we will have breakfast at Le Valentine then we will go to the Musée Bourdelle as well as  the cimetière de Montparnasse and its VIPs and will find the façade of the théâtre de la Comédie italienne!, all your suggestions.
we’ll leave the activities for Place de la Concorde for Monday


Thank you so much for all your kindness and incredible information!!! You make people love Paris!
Patricia and Michael R Cape Town  SA June 24


These are just ssome of the feedback I received or discussed with Patricia and Michael. They  almost tried all my recommendations, were happy with them, added their own strolls and discoveries. They took time to send very useful feedback.Thanks Patricia and Michael, amazing couple. Hope you'll make it back before too long; such a treat to exchange with you !


Thank you again Martinn for making our trip to Paris so special.  You made us feel right at home in your lovely apartment and truly appreciate you going above and beyond by leaving us fresh bread and fruit that really came in handy after long days of sightseeing!  We loved the charming little courtyard that made us feel tucked away in a little garden right in the center of the city.  The apartment was so centrally located that we were able to walk absolutely everywhere.  There were so many great Bistros, coffee shops, fresh markets and boulangeries right outside our door!  Our dinner with you was one of my most special memories of our trip to Paris-  the thought and love you put into that meal were remarkable.  Great food, great chocolates and great conversation made the night one of my favorites in Paris!  Also thank you for taking the time to make so many great recommendations for places to eat, museums and candy stores so we could live like the real Parisians (if only for a few days!)

Jessica, Billy, Stella and Lilly.  USA NY. June 2024


"Retuning to stay at Rue D'Argout for two weeks in May 2024 was like visiting a dear friend who welcomed you with all the warmth and comfort and hospitality you fondly remembered.

An apartment is an apartment but Martinn of key2paris  makes each guest feel that this special place has been waiting patiently for them alone.
A place where you can relax at the end of a day filled with all that is Paris. 
Martinn loves sharing French culture through current exhibitions, the culinary arts and offering suggestions that allow you to discover Paris and its environs whether you wish to stroll or daytrip.
A stay at key2paris is a Paris to be remembered.
À la prochaine!

Nous avons passé de belles vacances pleines de bons souvenirs
de beaucoup de marche, d'art et de bons moments en votre compagnie.

Win and Walter K   Toronto, Canada May 2024



Bonjour Martinn
Just to let you know we arrived home at just after 5.30. It was all straightforward but it was a long day  Our friend Ian met us at the station so it was good to see a friendly face. 
We decided to eat out and we went to a restaurant we had never been to before and it was excellent.
Thank you so much for all your hosting it’s what makes a difference.
À bientôt 
Teresa & Ralph, UK and  Western France. April 2024


Yes we forgot to  talk about the 🎶 music!
We had a great time. The club was easy to find and was full but we managed to find seats. Drinks and nibbles were available so we had some !...A very enthusiastic audience and a great evening out for us.
Martinn, we had another lovely visit to Paris. You always give us such a good welcome, delicious food that you have very lovingly and carefully prepared, and lots of information about what’s on and where to go.
Thanks for letting us join you in your tour of chocolatiers, they each have their own distinctive take on what to do with a cocoa bean !
Also thanks for the delicious and very appetising meal you gave us. It was lovely to have more time to talk and enjoy the wonderful food you had prepared .
We send you much love in these troubled times and remind you that we would love to turn the tables and be host to you in England.
Much love and thanks again 
Crispin  and Chris  UK, March April 2024


We really enjoyed our stay at key2paris.  You have a beautiful property in one of my favourite areas of Paris.  It is truly a gem among the culinary and cultural landscape that surrounds it. 
As a host, we're so grateful for the time and dedication you invest in order to bring the best of Paris to your guests.  What an experience this time around with a meal shared together  and sharing your pass to  an exhibition.
We loved it! I could go on and on...but I will end with saying that I hope our paths will cross again soon, somewhere between rue d'Argout and rue Montorgueil.  We look forward to a time when we can all share again our love for this beautiful city called Paris.
With great appreciation and gratitude,
Lisa & Trevor, Canada, March 2024


We will be absolutely fine.

We’ve never stayed anywhere else where we’ve had such care and attention.
Enjoy the spring sunshine
Love, Teresa & Ralph  UK and West of France,  March April  2024



Wow! What an amazing dinner. And please know that we realize that you were working for days to put that all together. The breads take so much time, the desserts with the cakes and the ice cream, and the amazing "pot of feu" had so many delicious items and on top of that the bones and marrow!  It was seriously one of the most delicious meals that I have had in France ever... and you did it by yourself and pulled off the beautiful plates complete with special touches.
We were in awe.. stuffed full and content. 

March 2024. Raffaella and Clark. Roma (and USA)


Our trip home was fine,

 After a full day in Versailles, We did go to Ademi for pizza. We just went there and had a nice meal. We also ate at Vaudeville. I would encourage guests to reserve a table, it was very busy. They were so nice and squeezed us in. 
Lastly we went to the crepe place Breizh.  Yum! 
We had a fabulous honeymoon. Thanks for sharing you space. Enjoy the holidays.
Lori and Gary  December 2023, Arizona USA
PS:  Thank you for your feed back . Happy you enjoyed my restaurants recommendations and thank you for your tips on Versailles. I will include it my own document. Precious. Merci beaucoup.


We are back in cold but sunny Stourbridge. Thank you for hosting us for our lovely stay in Paris. The journey went without a hitch we got back last night as we had a long gap between getting into London and getting back to Birmingham. Thank you for the gifts of the rings I will certainly put them to use and try out some of the recipes in your booklet

Pauline and Dominic, UK  November 2023


Hi Martinn: Keith and I arrived at our home at 9 p.m. (local time) last night. We were tired and went directly to bed. Today's job will be unpacking our luggage in addition to grocery shopping, a little laundry, and sorting through mail. Thank you for providing such comfortable accommodations, useful sightseeing tips, and warm hospitality.  We miss you and Paris already!


Sara and Keith, Chicago, September 2023


Bonjour Martinn!
We made it to Briançon last night to visit a friend overnight.  We had taken the wine you gave us along and we’re able to share it with her last night!  It was very good!  Thank you! 
Have a lovely day!

Cheers, Debbie, Louis  USA AUGUST 2023


First and foremost, I want to say thank you for making our short break in Paris such a pleasant experience. Your knowledge of Paris and its' plethora of restaurants and site seeing venues helped make our visit pleasant and enjoyable.                                                                            My one regret is that I did not wait to talk to you about a bateaux lunch cruise on the Seine.  I encourage your guests to talk to you before booking anything.  You are so responsive to emails, your guests can still plan their activities well in advance if they wish.                                  I also thank you for the breakfast, delicious dinner and the exceptional wines. As I am in rose' fan, I especially enjoyed the rose' you served with dinner.

This is our fourth time of meeting and my wife and I feel are delighted to have made such a good friend in Paris.

 Sue and I look forward to our next trip to Paris.
With warmest best wishes,
Sue and Jerry, August 2023, UK


Yes we are home, quite unbelievable really! But we’re suffering from a bad case of jet lag at the moment, hoping it won’t last too many days. 
Yes it was lovely to see you again after 6 years, not to mention the delicious food & wine you presented to us last Friday evening, your are wonderful cook & host. 
Plus the information you gave us on Paris was, as always, so very helpful & comprehensive. Not to mention your FB posts that I always read with interest. 
As you know we love Paris, & we managed to visit new places on this trip, as well as reacquaint with a few favourites.
So hope that we can meet up again in the future, not sure when we’ll get back to Paris, but when we do we’ll definitely meet up with you again, &, if your still in business, stay at your beautiful Rue Argout apartment! 
Stay safe & well Martinn, & we will definitely stay in touch,
Best Melbourne wishes as we start winter tomorrow! 
Annie & Patrick , May 2023 AU


We are back home safe and sound. The taxi driver was lovely and his car was very luxurious.
It is even colder and windier here in Cognac, horrible! But I must say I feel very much better for my stay in your beautiful city.

Thank you so much for all your knowledge, the delicious breakfast crepes and especially for all the time you spent with us on Friday. That was really special for us. Perhaps one day we will get to entertain you in Cognac.
Every best wish to you
Teresa & Ralph,  returning guests from Cognac and UK  February 23


I have just returned from my second stay at Key2Paris and I cannot recommend Martinn and her apartment enough! She is the perfect hostess, adapting to what her guests need from a host. She has an incredible knowledge of Paris, both around the apartment and the city in general. I appreciate that she shares a list of both recommendations for shops and restaurants as well as those she recommends avoiding. She is very responsive to questions throughout your stay. The apartment is very well equipped with the perfect amount of space. I'll be back again and will continue to recommend to my friends. 

Kim D,  Houston TX, USA , December 2022


I loved Martinn’s apartment, it was so comfortable and clean and in such a perfect spot in Paris! 
The apartment had everything I could need and I would definitely recommend this stay for a single traveller, I felt safe and at home for the entire stay. 
Thank you Martinn for being so kind.
Kind regards 
Renée.   AU,  October 2022


Good morning

We had a lovely breakfast yesterday at Matamata. Then we spent most of the day at Centre Pompidou, had a late lunch at Rue Montorgueil before heading to the airport.
We loved your apartment, and felt so comfortable, safe and homely. We'd love to return in the future.
Thank you for everything and your warm welcome
Carrie and David  Leed, UK  November 2022
I too am happy that the trip finally came together.  I so enjoy Paris, still so much more to see.  Both my sister and niece would love to go to Paris after seeing some of my photos.  
Your apartment is lovely,  in a great location and sleep was not interrupted.  Steve certainly appreciated the news channels in English. 
Thank you very much for the breakfast, cheese, limoncello, coffee & tea, it was very kind & thoughtful of you.
We wish you all the best.
Vanessa & Steve., Canada  October 2022


Hello Martinn

Thanks for your message, the trip was good and quick!
Paris is super special indeed, and your apartment is perfectly placed in the city.
Have a wonderful summer and thanks again for your hospitality.
Best regards,
Natalia, Switzerland, July 2022

Thank you Martinn! We loved our stay here, thank you for everything.

Karen and Gaby  USA, OKLAHOMA  June 2022


Bonjour Martinn,

"Etienne" Steven and I just wanted to tell you what a wonderful week we had in Paris thanks to you. The apartment is is perfect and we have made ourselves right at home. The parisian people have been so wonderful to us -- kind, patient and accommodating.  We are very sad to be leaving tomorrow.  
We are cooking tonight and went to all of your favourite places today to purchase our dinner. Lamb, mushrooms, potato's, asparagus, with a some cheese and wine.  
Thank you for creating such a special place for us.
Steven and I were talking about the trip on the plane and it truly was as perfect a trip as possible. Our three stops were so different but all gave us a different perspective of french history and culture.  This was my 5th trip to France and as always the French people were lovely, so helpful and friendly.  We had such a great time everywhere but the highlight of our trip was our stay at Key to Paris -- you truly make it a very special and unique experience.  Also I wanted to thank you for the pictures you took of Steven and me  ---  They were great!!!!
Simone and Etienne  USA, NY  June 2022
Dear Martinn, 
we are home.
The flight was good, the landing was good, and at Düsseldorf-Airport we were the only prepared people with the necessary documents to enter Germany again after having been in a so called „high-risc-Covid-country“. ☺️
What an adventure! 
Again thanks to you, again and again! We learned so much,, we improved our fitness, we had wonderful culture and history, and an unforgettable „Apero“.
Love from Brigitte and Sabine,  Germany, January 2022

Hey Martinn

It's good to hear from you.
We really enjoyed our stay, thank you again for the hospitality. We wandered for miles, enjoying every minute. Nice cafés and restaurants, great weather, all very enjoyable.
We are now going to have a quiet time before looking at where and when our next trip will be. We will certainly spread the word about your lovely apartment and keep an eye on your booking calendar to see when we will return.
Enjoy your trip to London.
Best wishes.
Alan & Fiona, Scotland  November 2021

Hi Martinn

I hope your next guests enjoys the apartment as much as we did. We had a really enjoyable time. The taxi driver picked us up on time and everything was smooth at the airport. . It is so lovely to be with my grandsons they were very excited to see us.
In the airport we bought a very large (expensive) box of macarons for Jennifer I have tried a rose one it was delicious.

Thank you for being the perfect host and all the delicious food. We hope to be back soon maybe not next year but the year after.
Lots of love

Pauline and Dominic UK, October 2021


My wife and I had reservations to celebrate New Year 2020 with Martinn at  Rue Argout. Covid intervened then and once again in May, 2021. We finally arrived on 22nd September 2021 for a fabulous week in our favorite city.  The week was greatly enhanced by the pleasure of staying in Martinn's apartment. It is very cozy and Martinn is an outstanding hostess.  Her knowledge of Paris' attractions and restaurants is extensive and she generously shares that knowledge. The location of the apartment is conducive to being able to walk to many places you will want to visit and dine.  
Au revoir, Martinn. Until we meet again
Jerry and Sue, Sudbury, Suffolk September 2021.



Thank you Sue and Jerry. You have been great guests. Was a pleasure to share Paris with you , and the online studio dance with Sue. Hope we'll stay in contact.  Take careand be wise. 



We enjoyed our stay in your lovely apartment. Very comfy and It is in such a convenient position. We loved our walks.

Sue and Jerry, UK

 SEPTEMBER 2021  Bonsoir Martinn
We are home after our fabulous holiday. The journey was good and it was very nice to be met by our friends. Since then I have been sleeping a lot! I was so tired but back to normal tomorrow.

I have liked your Facebook page so we will keep in touch and perhaps one day we will stay in Rue d’Argout again. It does not surprise me that your apartment is booked up so far ahead. We have stayed in very many holiday homes but we have never had such a welcoming host who looked after us for the whole week.

So it’s back to our normal life and I shall continue to study the french language with greater enthusiasm.

À bientôt
Teresa & Ralph,  from UK now in France   September 2021 !!!






Hello Martinn

Thanks for your hospitality during our stay. We felt very comfortable in the apartment and appreciated all of the information you provided.
The tea towel will make a pleasant reminder of our time in Paris! I will give Carrie her gift later later.
We will be very happy to recommend key2paris to our family and friends in the future.
Kind regards,
Susan & Robert  UK, March 2020


Dearest Martinn,
  We are finally at our home in Wilmington.  Nice to be here but mixed feelings about being home from one of our favorite places.

We had a wonderful time, and enjoyed all our visits together.  I want to post on Facebook now that we are actually home and then I will write a good review for Sawdays too.  I can’t wait to try out the recipes stateside and see if I can make them  here at home.  I will keep you posted. 

I’m on the schedule to work at the gallery tomorrow and looking forward to seeing everyone there and getting busy with my paintings again.  I may make a larger acrylic painting similar to the watercolor sketch I gave you sometime soon . 
  Bob is just back from the store and brought us some wine and cheese ….he said to tell you he really missed Le Fermmette cheese shop.

I will stay in touch and share some more pictures.


Facebook post on Feb  17th We're just home from a month in Paris - a treat to celebrate our upcoming 45th wedding anniversary. We had an unforgettable time and enjoyed all the art, history, architecture, shops, food and wine. If you or any of your friends ever need a wonderful place to stay we would recommend at the very top of our list, the Key2Paris apartment on Rue d'Argout. Martinn Montorgueil is the best hostess, offering B&B type of services with a wonderful arrival breakfast and tons of info if you want it - and all the privacy you want with a self-contained quiet and cozy apartment of your own. Iconic sidewalk cafes, pastry shops and restaurants just down the block...But if you want to take advantage of the nearby gourmet market street and do a bit of cooking, the kitchen is very well set up with everything you could need. So well located in central Paris, you can walk everywhere - and live like a Parisian! Check out Martinn's website for more info - her rates are very reasonable - definitely a 10 out 10! Please feel free to share this post with your Facebook friends.
Meroe  and Bob, NC USA  January and February 2020


After many delays we at last spent some time with Cheryl and Steve this morning to hear about their European trip. Needless to say, they were delighted with their visit with you and with the apartment. They gave us your gift for us and when I saw the courtyard etching on the bag I told them a piece of my heart is there!  How dear of you to gift us with it!  Thank you so much! We do want to return, and, if our health holds, 2021 may be the year for us.  (Kermit will be 90!). This year our granddaughter is being married and has chosen a destination wedding in Colorado in May.  That precludes international travel this year! 

In the meantime we will relish your posts and hope you will keep in touch!  Et merci encore pour your thoughtfulness!😘😘
Alice and Kermit, 2013, 2016, 2018 Cheryl and Steven, MO  USA  , Sept 2019,


Margaret  H

Melbourne, AU  September and October 2020

Hi Martinn
We had a great trip back thank you we were home for 3pm which is great.
Thanks again for a wonderful experience definitely our best experience of Paris thanks to you!
We are thinking already about our next trip .

Chris & Tony  B  UK, November 2019


Hello Martinn,
  Glad you have added a new member to the household at rue Argout!  
We are having a wonderful time here in Pernes les Fontaines. 
We have a roomy kitchen, not so gourmet as yours unfortunately, but they do have a separate convection oven in another "pantry" type room that works well. So we are all enjoying cooking from the market for our breakfasts and evening meals.
We have been so lucky with the weather - only the one rainy day in Paris and beautiful clear sunny days here.
  Thank you again so much for everything you added to our holiday and for sharing your hospitality so graciously. We are all getting lots of inspiration for new cooking....and new gardening. I guess that is the reason we all need our travel holidays
Stay in touch and let us know how things are going in Paris and we will keep you up to date on developments with the gallery and our artwork
Until the next time ,
Meroe  and Bob W, USA, NC September 2019



We enjoyed our time in Paris and our stay in your apartment. I will write a review. Thank you so much for your hospitality and you guidance.

Cheryl and Steven L , Saint Louis USA, Sept 2019


A little haven in Paris


 It was our first visit to Paris, the City of Lights, and it was fantastic!  Martinn greeted us with a smile, plenty of good advice and a welcome breakfast.  She took us under her wing and made sure we had everything we needed. 


The apartment is cozy and has all the amenities, plus a lovely private garden that makes you forget you are in lively District 2, in walking distance to major tourist attractions.  The B&B is, however, a world away from the hustle and bustle of a busy city; everything becomes quiet.  A true Parisian experience, one you should not miss.


 Linda & Philippe T, Montreal, Canada July 2019



Dear all,

Wanted here to thank Cheryl and Robert for recommending key2paris to Jean and Val ( UK and SA, July 2019). They have been great guests, clean, positive, independent, warm persons.
 They seemed happy so I hope I honored your recommendation.
 Thanks to all of you and  take care until we meet again with the token of my recognition.


Answer for Cheryl and Robert   AU ( June 2018)

Dear Martinn
 Thank you for your lovely note.  We just had to share the treasure that had made our time in Paris so special – your sweet little apartment. Jean and Val had a wonderful time there and thoroughly enjoyed chatting with you.
 We sincerely hope that we will be able to visit the City of Lights sometime soon so do look out for our message.
With very best wishes
Robert and Cheryl


Bonjour Martinn,
We are settling back in to our life at home. Getting home was a bit more of an adventure as we were delayed an hour departing Paris and then delayed getting our connecting flight in the US, but all is well.
I went to the supermarket yesterday and really missed market shopping in France☹️.
We bought some buckwheat flour in Paris so I tried your recipe for crepes this morning. I already owned a de Buyer crepe pan. They turned out pretty good. Your recipe is so simple and I think the beer did make them lighter.
My daughter who works for the beer company is coming for a visit first of July so I want to make them for her and her partner.
I will definitely write a wonderful review of our stay with you. We feel so fortunate to have had a week at your place. Your wealth of knowledge was so instrumental in how great our time was in Paris.

Kim and Leo  NC, USA  June 2019


                                  Facebook review

My husband and I stayed in Martinn’s lovely apartment for a week in June. Our stay was magnificent as this apartment has everything you need, in addition to having Martinn’s wealth of knowledge about Paris. Martinn is a perfect hostess. She was also very accommodating when we requested a different linen for the bed as the duvet was too warm for us. The apartment is in a wonderful and convenient area of Paris. We took advantage of having Martinn prepare and share dinner with us and the evening was a highlight of our time in Paris.


I have stayed twice at the Apartment. Once in 2015 for 2 weeks & in 4/2019 for 10 days. I love the location, as you
can walk to most of the museum. Great connection for metro & buses. Apartment has all the amenities you need for a comfortable stay. Nice comfortable bed, great shower, washing machine with dryer & a brand new dishwasher she installed during my stay as old one broke down. She has all the cooking utensils +she leaves a great home made breakfast for the guest.

We also enjoyed Martinn ‘s hospitality when she invited us for dinner for Easter.
Martinn is easy to communicate & always greets her guests & provide lot of information to do things in Paris.
I will be happy to stay at her licensed apartment on my future trip.
Martinn thanks for everything.
We had great time in Paris.
Kalpana  and Poppat, USA  CA,  April 2019


Thanks, Martinn.  My trip home was very smooth; my cats are very happy to have me back home 😁

I will go leave a review now - I really did love everything about the apartment and your hospitality!


Review on Sawday's :

I can't say enough good things about the apartment and Martinn as a hostess. The apartment is a nice size with everything provided - a well-equipped kitchen, dishwasher, washer/dryer and amazing hospitality from Martinn. She made dinner reservations, arranged a taxi to the airport and checked in to make sure everything was good with my visit. I will definitely be back!

Kim, Houston


Bonjour Martinn,

It took 24 hours and a taxi, a train, two airplanes, and an automobile, but we did make it home to Santa Fe at 23:00 on Saturday.  We are jet-lagged but happy to be home after a very enjoyable time in France.  Our time in Paris was made especially enjoyable by your good company and advice.  Let's keep in touch.  Kim and I are looking forward to staying in your apartment next spring, rain or shine.

A la prochaine,

Jim and Kim, Santa Fé USA Strolling Belleville and enjoying Joia together in May 2019 .



Thank you again for everything, Martinn. 
 I will l be doing all my reviews. likely next weekend.  Today is catch  up day and tomorrow, back to work.   I will certainly be giving a good review to the apartment.  We loved it there, very cozy and well located.   
We hope to be able to visit you again very soon.  We had a lovely time, and you contributed a big part of it.
Warmest regards,
 Lisa (and Kent), Michigan USA  April 2019


We arrived .... about 9pm Tucson time last eve. Sleeping is always difficult... and it was, but we are up and ready for coffee!
The taxi was excellent... merci.
Your accommodations both physical and social were excellent.
Will put a few words on FB once we get settled and our feet on the ground.
You truly run an incredible B&B
and are so happy to know you.
Patti and Donn  Tucson USA   March April 2019



Bonsoir Martinn! We just arrived home and had no issues.

We had such a wonderful time, apartment was perfect, neighborhood was perfect, host was perfect. I will follow up with reviews when I am not so tired and my brain is working better.

Lisa and daughter Ellie, Texas, USA, March 2019


Thank you, Martinn.
We so much enjoyed our stay and the apartment.
The addition of fresh flowers, a birthday candle and the fresh food made it even more special.
I look forward to returning and have already passed along your information to a few friends who enjoy travel and Paris.
I do love Epoisses! Jason wasn’t as sure about it.
Best regards,
Kelsey and Jason, February 2019,  Montana, USA


Dear Martinn,

Thank you for your email - everything was very easy on the way home, and we had a lovely reunion with the children yesterday in the sunshine.
We loved our trip to Paris, and will certainly try and visit again soon, and would be delighted to come and stay with you again.  Thank you for everything you did to make things so comfortable and relaxing. 
It will be my pleasure to leave a positive review for you.
Thanks again and best wishes,  Beccy & Richard Exceter UK February 2019


Review on TA

Your perfect haven in Paris

 Left on Feb 21, 2019 for a stay in Feb 2019
Look no further! This is the place you have been searching for. Tucked away in a centrally located arrondissement in Paris, you will discover a cozy , charming, quiet apartment that is the perfect spot to spend your time in this wonderful city . You will be greeted by your hostess extraordinaire, Martinn. Upon arrival, she will give you a warm greeting with breakfast items, helpful tips and suggestions for restaurants, shopping, museums, and so much more. The apartment has a fully equipped kitchen (you can tell that Martinn is a cook), a very comfortable bed, and a large shower with separate toilet area. Even though you are in a lively part of Paris with wonderful shops and restaurants just outside the courtyard door, you will enjoy a quiet nights' rest after you have spent the day exploring the sights that are within walking distance of your Paris haven. It's nice to know that you have a true Parisian to give you advice and help you navigate this wonderful city. I am already thinking about my next visit! For anyone planning a trip to Paris, I highly suggest Martinn and key2Paris. You will fall in love with Paris AND Martinn! Happy travels!
Irène and Nick, Massachusetts , USA, February 2019

Bonjour Martinn!
Yes we arrived safely and without incident. It is frigid here and I miss you and Paris already!!
Martinn, it was wonderful to meet you and we enjoyed everything so much! Croissants were delicious and very welcome! Cab ride was good and there was not much traffic. The flight was not full so Nick could get up from time to time and walk around. I am up at 4 am because my body clock is all messed up. I will definitely write a stellar review for you. You are a gem!!
Yours truly
Irène and Nick, Massachusetts , USA, February 2019


Dear Martinn,

Many thanks for your mail.  We only had 24 hours back home before heading off for a few days skiing in the Pyrenees.
And many thanks again for making our stay in Paris so smooth and comfortable.
Best regards
Nicholas & Kedrun UK and France, February 2019


Dear Martinn:  Peter and I arrived home yesterday evening and are working our way through the usual post trip chores … answering phone and e-mail messages, washing and ironing and buying groceries.  A lot to do ….
Loved Alsace.   Many, many perfectly preserved small medieval villages which were really quite charming.  AND many, many Christmas markets.  We certainly were in those in Strasbourg. 

We had a full week there and then on Monday morning we were in the car by 6 a.m. driving back to Paris.  We drove directly to the Louis Vuitton Foundation and had no trouble at all being admitted.  An interesting exhibition and I am so sorry that you were not there with us. 
 We do so hope you have a lovely holiday with your family and friends.
It was wonderful visiting with you and enjoying your expert cooking and hospitality.  God willing, we shall do it all again at some point in the future.
May 2019 be kind to us all     
Our very, very best wishes     Karen and Peter, Canada, November 2018


Chère Martinn,


Just to let you know made it safely back home—the flight was good, arriving in San Francisco to 85 degree temperature—not right for Nov 1, I’d say! Our last day in Paris was, of course, rainy all day, so it kind of got in our way of doing very much, but still good to be in Paris—wet or dry! 
Thank you very much for your kind note. The taxi went very well, and thank you for setting that  up for us. 

Thank you again for all the recommendations for restaurants and visits and for the tour and the history of the area—excellent! And the snack and breakfasts, and the lovely dinner chez vous. All will be remembered and recounted.

I wanted to thank you again for your place, for the lovely dinner for us at your house, and all the “extra’s” you provide—your knowledge of the history of the area, the art and architecture and of course, (close to my heart)—the food and shopping tours. Mike says  to say hello too, and that it was good to be at your place.

It was great to get to know a new and lively neighborhood, and all the restaurants we tried on your recommendation—all new to us and terrific. 

Stay well, and enjoy the Thanksgiving feast you will prepare and have with Rich and Robin and your family.


PS : I meant to mention to you in my previous note that I had saved your notes about our breakfasts (what you’d brought us), and so brought them with me to my little Saturday group the other day and read them—they were very impressed! (as we were).

Best to you,
Dee (Dianne) and Mike ,  USA  CA  October 2018




Hi Martinn,

We loved our time in Paris!
Your apartment was the perfect choice for us.  The location is wonderful and your kindness and hospitality was very much appreciated.  We will definitely refer friends that are traveling to Paris to stay with you.
We had no delay getting to the airport.  We appreciate your help in getting us an Uber.
Many thanks again Martinn!


I have only great things to say about Martinn and how she took great care of our stay in Paris.  The apartment is perfectly located close to all the sites:  the Louvre, Notre Dame, Eiffel Tower, Montmartre, etc.  Coffee shops and restaurants are right outside the complex.  Martinn was super helpful with our stay and even helped us pick some restaurants.  The apartment is within a secure courtyard type building, so we felt very safe during our visit.  I highly recommend staying with Martinn.  She is the best!!
Your American friends for life!
Charlie and Karen, September/ October 2018, USA, CA (  Ryder Cup fans)

Charlie and Karen, September, October 2018  USA, California


Dear Martinn,

Bruce and I can’t thank you enough for our new adventure in the secret garden behind the heavy blue door. Being our 8th year in Paris and our first time with you, it was a wonderful change and our best year thus far.
The apartment has everything you can think of if your an aspiring chef or just a simple cook like myself. I’ve never stayed in Paris in any apartment that had a more stocked kitchen. The area is vibrant and a favorite of ours, always. You can walk to everything and not ever get on the metro if you enjoy walking and stunning site seeing.  So many fresh markets for the stay at home folks who want the best home cooked meal or numerous fabulous restaurants right outside the front door. We were more adventurous in search of wonderful food.  After our 8th year this is now our new home.

Martinn is a true lover of her city and full of advice, how to conquer a rainy day and where to find the off the path beaten treasures and we thought we knew Paris. Our dinner with you was the highlight of the three weeks. We felt like old friends sharing stories while feeling like you were in a high end restaurant,  but in the warm comfort of your home. If only I could cook, lol. She shared secret recipes and made me want to learn and after 45 years of marriage Bruce was so impressed. Her knowledge of the city was like an adventure back in time. We learned more in one night about our favorite city than we ever have. A friendship was made that night and we cherish that.
Your breakfasts were so yummy from homemade jams to French toast and crepes, yogurt, fresh breads to the best organic granola we ever ate. She leaves orange juice and milk and coffee and caters to the tough stomachs as well. After 8 years we came home thinking where has this woman been these past years. Well,  for the first time traveler in Paris, Martinn is your guide and for us regulars who fell in love with Paris 8 years ago, this is now our home in Paris, always. Your kindness, care and attention you give to your guests is what we folks from Boston call the best home away home you’ll ever find in the city of love and beauty. We made memories for a lifetime Martinn and we thank you.  Till next year my friend.
many thanks for my apron, I hope it inspires me. Enjoy the Fall, always stay healthy and we will keep in touch.

Bruce & Joanne, USA  NH, September 2018


Bonjour Martinn,
We are now home and settled back into daily life.
We had a wonderful holiday in Europe, especially the week we spent in your apartment in Paris. We really enjoyed the breakfast, cheeses and jams you left for us. They were very tasty and lasted us for quite a few days. Thank you.
We will certainly advise people we know coming to Paris of your wonderful hospitality and pass your email address on to them.
Hope to visit you again one day soon.
Thank you for a clean and well presented holiday apartment.
Delwyn and Gerry , AU, NSW August 2018


Apologies for the very late reply. It is hard to believe that we have been home almost a week! We are both still feeling tired but life will take on a more regular routine.



Everything went smoothly at Gare du Nord by the way, thanks ever so much for your help with the taxi. We really appreciated you organising it for us and seeing us off warmly and safely. 



The hot weather we'd experienced in Paris continued through to London and now that we are home enduring the last few weeks of winter it is hard not to feel cold all the time! I am looking forward to Spring and getting out in the garden.




 I had intended sending the link for the Citroen tour that we did on our last evening in Paris, here it is:


 We highly recommend Laurent's business. I think you will see for yourself that the reviews are excellent. The evening was an absolute highlight of our holiday.




As were you yourself, Martinn and our stay at rue d'Argout. We can't thank you enough for your friendship and generosity and we both admire the attention to detail in everything you do to ensure that your guests get the most out of their stay. It is very apparent how highly you are thought of by your guests and we feel the same. It means a lot to us that you give so much of yourself and we like to think of you now as a friend and hope that you will stay in touch (and even perhaps come to Australia one day……)


Dee and Brenton, July 2018,  South Australia



Dear Martin, thank you for organizing the taxi as it worked out really well and we were able to have a coffee before boarding the train for our fast trip to Lyon. I had hoped that leaving the house in a good state would be helpful for your changeover and that you would more easily get through all the work that needed to be completed before your next guests arrived. It was such a joy for Alex and I to stay at Rue d’Argout and to be privileged to have spent some time with you to learn about the Paris you know so well. Although our time in Paris was brief, the temperatures were high, plus our jet lag we had a marvelous time just relaxing and soaking up the atmosphere of your adorable house and neighborhood. Thank you for your kindness.I am really pleased that we shall have ongoing contact and get the opportunity to share recipes.  Will certainly be posting a good review when I get the chance as I believe that what you are offering is unique and very special. I have been to Paris three times previously and always stayed in hotels but staying at your home felt so much better; we got to know the area better thanks to your extensive collection of pamphlets and personal suggestions.Warmest regards Lorraine.

Lorraine and Alex, August 2018, Auckland, NZ


Hi Martinn,

So glad you liked the flowers, just a very small token of our appreciation. As much as we loved your beautiful apartment we loved getting to know you even more. So nice to have a new friend in Paris!
Please look us up if you find yourself in the NY/NJ area. We would love to see you and take you out to lunch or dinner.

Thanks again for all of your advice and the delicious dinner, it was a treat we will long remember.

Craig found your fancy serving slate plates  online and ordered them for me! So excited! They were too heavy to carry home on top of all the wine! :)
I am going to use some of your cooking techniques and ideas for a dinner party I’m planning. Will send you pix!

Hope we meet again soon!
Lisa, Craig and Natalie  July 2018  NJ  USA


Bonjour Martinn
Thank you, we arrived safely.
 I hope you had a lovely birthday celebration.

We did watch the game and wish we had been in Paris for the French victory as it would have been very festive in the streets and restaurants.

We had a most enjoyable stay in your lovely apartment and do hope to be back sometime for a longer period. 

I have already spoken to many friends about our wonderful experience so you may well receive enquiries in the future.
Thank you for your hospitality and hope to see you again soon.
 All of the very best, Au revoir
Cheryl and Robert  AU, June 2018


Dear Martinn,
   We are home again!  We arrived home about 1 week ago and we finally feel we are back in the same time zone.

 Donna was over for a dinner on Sunday and is still talking about a wonderful trip she had and how nice it was to be welcomed by you.  You have a special gift of making people feel very accepted and comfortable --and we all loved it! We all feel you are one of our best memories of this trip. 

 We can not say enough nice things about your apartment - it is in a perfect location and was just what we needed.  You have thought of everything to make a great holiday.

 We hope you are well and enjoying the summer.  I feel like I have a "penpal" in Paris now and love the idea of keeping in touch with you.  Thank you again for sharing your home and giving us such a warm welcome to your special city.   We can't wait to come back again.
Au revoir-
Meroe,  Bob, (& Donna) , NC, USA  May 2018



I think about writing every day! Apologies. Been busy since back.
We loved our time in Paris and your recommendations added to our pleasures.

Will write more of what we did ...

Patti and Donn, visiting from Tucson AZ, USA June 2018


Yes, everything was wonderful. Thank you for being an impeccable host and showing us true Paris.
We will leave a glowing review next week when we get back to the States.
Stephanie and Andrew, Rochester NY, June 2018


We very much enjoyed our stay here. Our host was fantastic and showed us all the best places to go, answered questions and was very warm and welcoming. The apartment is in a fantastic section of Paris - all of the main attractions are walking distance, but the apartment itself is on a section of streets closed off to traffic and is full of wonderful shops and cafes. There is a mix of natives and tourists in the area and provides a true Paris experience. It was so convenient to just walk out of our door and see where our feet led us that we never had dinner more than a half mile from the apartment. The shop owners and cafe staff were also very friendly. The apartment itself is quiet and looks out onto a beautiful small courtyard full of potted plants and flowers. We'll definitely be back!

Left on Petite BnBs website


Chère Martinn,
A quick note to say we had a good flight and we are safely home.
Thank you again so very much for your genial hospitality and your warm friendship.
Win and Walter, Toronto, Canada. May June 2018


Amy and Darryl, USA  VA  May 2018


“Quintessential Paris” From the beautiful courtyard entry to the delicious breakfast, this was the perfect start to our vacation. Martinn greeted us at the flat, and gave us a tour and loads of information. The space is filled with everything you need and decorated with art and lots of color and texture. The wonderful breakfast was enough for 2 days, but no worries if you are staying longer! A great coffee shop, Matamata, is literally right outside the door. Or head down 2 blocks to Stohrer (a bakery that has been there for 300 years) for melt in your mouth croissants. Don’t miss their savory tarts, either.

We did a neighborhood walking tour with Martinn and learned the history of the area. She pointed out places we should visit, recommended shops and restaurants, and gave us a taste of cheeses, meats, and produce. She is very knowledgeable and loves her city. The tour was great. We wish we had scheduled a dinner with her.

One hint: ask for dinner recommendations before your trip and book a reservation, otherwise you won’t get into the great places in the area. The Louvre is a 10 minute walk to the back entry, which was not crowded and opened up to the grandeur slowly, which was awesome. (Buy tickets in advance to avoid the lines. We bought ours the night before. Buy Eiffel Tower tickets in advance, too.)

Martinn’s place is an easy walk to all kinds of transportation, shops, and restaurants. You may nor want to leave the neighborhood! We would definitely stay here again and would recommend it to anyone.

Thank you for a wonderful visit, Martinn!   Darryl and Amy, May 2018



A wonderful place in a great neighborhood with a terrific host "


Reviewed 3 weeks ago for a stay in May 2018


The apartment has everything you would need from its bedroom to its bathroom, to its kitchen with utensils, plates, and pots & pans. You even get to use the house phone to call America free of charges. Restaurants right outside your lovely courtyard. If you love Paris as we do this is the perfect place to feel right at home.


 Carolyn and Ralf California  May 2018


Hello Martinn,

We love Paris, and enjoyed our stay.   Your location is excellent, so many good eateries nearby, and a window shoppers delight! 
A special treat, also Matamata!  Such happy people, and excellent coffee breakfasts,
We will always remember.
We are in Haarlem and just connected to WiFi, so have not posted our thanks and review to FB....promise to do so when we rest a bit!

Elisabeth and Williams, USA Florida, May 2018


 A perfect location in Paris

Reviewed 4 weeks ago for a stay in April 2018


We have just returned from our 8-day sojourn in the apartment at  Rue d'Argout in Paris, our third visit there. For us, young-at-heart in our 80s, it is the perfect location.
It is in walking distance of the Louvre, the Opera Garnier, passages, and many of the must-see sites in Paris.

The apartment is ground-floor, quiet and safe, entered through 2 security gates and a charming courtyard. It is within a block of a popular pedestrian-only thoroughfare with many services and restaurants.

That said, the best part of staying at the apartment is Martinn, its owner. She is thorough in her orientation of the area, her amenities are excellent--she provides breakfast for the first morning, (Ours lasted 3 days). A gourmet cook, she is a delightful Parisienne and wants only for her guests to enjoy their visit. She is always ready with help and information. Since we found this dear lady, she has enriched our visits to Paris and to France in so many ways. We feel privileged to call her Friend! 


Alice and Kermit St Louis April 2018



email from martinn in April 2018: Hello, as you know I listen to my guests suggestions… when realistic and possible.

I had a request for a darker bedroom at night, not being bothered with lights going on and off in the courtyard.

So last night I had new blinds installed on top of the former ones. You are welcome b(l)ack.


All my best for now, hoping this e-mail will find you healthy and happy. martinn


Your lovely apartment will now be perfect.
We are healthy. It has been cold here but it is starting to warm up.
I imagine Paris is beautiful, we miss it and you.
Simon and Nancy, USA   came in February 2018



Hello Martinn,

It was lovely to meet you and thank you for making our stay in Paris so good. I just wanted to acknowledge your email because we finally arrived home at 4.00pm  and at the moment we are unpacking and trying to get ourselves organised for work tomorrow.
We will send more about the macaroons soon.
Thank you once again, Best wishes
Dean and Jenny UK, April 2018


Charming Parisian Apartment, charming martinn, and of course charming Paris Reviewed March 1, 2018 for a stay in February 2018

 1person found this review helpful


My husband and I stayed at Martinn's lovely BnB for a week, celebrating our 20th anniversary. Everything was perfect, the apartment is in the 2nd arrondissment off a quaint cobblestoned street. The Area is quiet and safe, the courtyard is lovely, and the apartment has a French feel to it. The kitchen has everything a serious cook would want. We ended up not cooking however as the Montorgueil area abounds with restaurants, cafes, bars, boulangeries, and specialty shops. Plus, Martinn provided us breakfast upon arrival, which lasted us for 3 days, and included pancakes, granola, yogurt, fruits, an egg dish and juice and coffee.
Martinn was a wonderful hostess, explaining the ins and outs of the apartment, the surrounding area, being available of we needed her, but was never intrusive.
She is very knowledgeable about Paris and the history of the area.
Because it was our anniversary we arranged for Martinn to make our dinner, and what a culinary treat it was. In a city famous for it's food, her meal was the best we had in Paris.
We will definitely be visiting Paris again and will definitely stay with Martinn.


  Nancy and Simon NC  February 2918



Homely Paris Apartment

Reviewed January 7, 2018 for a stay in December 2017


Great position near to groceries, restaurants, Metro and 10 min walk to the Louvre. Very secure entrance to apartment courtyard with 2 combination lock doors. No street noise. The apartment is small and dated but very cosy with loads of natural light. It has everything you need with clear instructions, all the information you could ever want for Paris, and then shelves of books for pleasure.

The owner Martinn takes great pride in presenting a well maintained abode, and welcomes you with an abundance of delicious homemade goodies for breakfast that kept us going for days. She will then fully orientate you to the apartment and it's amenities, the local area, give you recommendations and then leave all of that information with you in writing. After all that she is readily available by phone or email and will check with you in a few days to make sure all is good. So you are VERY well looked after!

We were very happy with our stay here and would happily stay here again.


 Vicki and David, Perth AU,  Dec 2017


 Martinn, You are so welcome. I was raised to care for all property! We are safely back in the States and are spending the night near the airport. It will be good to get home tomorrow. We have 2 kitties and I miss my bed cats! Thank you again for giving us a beautiful place to call home!

Miriam and Jon Robert

December 2017, USA Virginia


 A perfect Paris experience

Reviewed December 15, 2017 for a stay in December 2017


We just spent 4 days in this lovely flat located in the heart of Paris. Our hostess, Martinn, spent time with us upon arrival to discuss the apartment and the neighborhood. She gave us tips on places to visit and we never would have known about the "passages" if not for her, She was the perfect, charming, hostess who spoke fluent English. We opted for a "hamper" of goodies. She prepared enough gourmet delights to last for all our breakfast meals and 2 evening meals. We didn't do any cooking so we could enjoy the French cuisine, but the kitchen is fully equipped with any cooks' equipment that you would need. Pristine, quiet, warm... everything and more! Excellent communicator! Viva Martinn!   Miriam and Jon Virginia  December 2017


A home away from home in a great, friendly Paris neighborhood

Reviewed September 27, 2017 for a stay in September 2017


Keys2paris came highly recommended. Martinn greeted us upon arrival and made us immediately feel welcome. Her command of English helped my limited French. We were within walking distance of:Louvre, Notre Dame, Latin Quarter, Marais, Garnier and even Montmartre. Restaurant and coffee shop just outside our entry were delightful. The apartment is equipped with lots of information to assist your visit. Great location and support for any American traveler.  Patty and Ron, Delaware  USA



Best apartment in Paris

Reviewed September 29, 2017 for a stay in September 2017 We stayed at Martinn's apartment for 1 week. It is perfectly situated and the most comfortable, cozy bedroom we have stayed in. Martinn is so very gracious and kind and wanted to make sure that we understood the area, transportation, and best restaurants and markets. It was a wonderful time. Thank you Martinn-


 Joan and Alan,  AZ


I had such a wonderful time with you, being in Paris and staying in your lovely apartment. I have wonderful memories if my time in your apartment and with you.  It made my time in Paris very memorable. I just didn't have enough time there. I do love your city.
I'm so glad I got to know you better and I will be happy to pass on your information.
I hope all is well with you. You do have a charming place and a great location.
We'll keep in touch.

Carol , USA Chicago , September 2017


Hello Martinn

We are at Chez Georges tonight
Jilly had the salmon. I had the duck
Both were superb
Many thanks for this and the other recommendations
Bon nuit
We had s very long trip to Beaune because the train engine needed to be replaced. However it was worth it as the town Is very nice and the weather is warm
You are quite right I am always anxious to get going when I am travelling
It had nothing to do with our enjoyment of your lovely apartment
We will be sure to recommend Key2Paris to our friends
Thank you for you great hospitality and for all the "tips" in Paris and around Carcassonne
Very kind regards
Stephen & Gillian  , AU September 2017


Excellent stay in Paris

Reviewed September 19, 2017 for a stay in September 2017


The location was fantastic. Less than a mile walk to Louvre and plenty of shops and dining all within a few blocks, metro station and bus stops only a few blocks. The breakfast was awesome. Also travel planner nearby to help with the trip to Versailles and hop on hop off bus. We may never return to Paris as we were on a 2 month European trip but if we would we would again stay at Martinn’s lovely place. Very knowledgeable of the area and had plenty books available and gave many ideas and how to stay safe in Paris...thank you for a wonderful Paris visit


Hi Martinn,

We have arrived into Amiens & the sun is shining! We've met up with the rest of our family & have spent the afternoon wandering around the town which is very pretty & interesting
Thank you once again for sharing your lovely apartment with us, we really enjoyed staying there for our wk in Paris & would not hesitate to stay again when we return! Also for all your help, wonderful walking tour & countless information which we so appreciate. I hope your new guests enjoy it as much as we have,
Best wishes
Annie  and Patrick, Melbourne, AU  August 2017


 Pleasure in Paris

Reviewed August 30, 2017 for a stay in August 2017


From the moment we were greeted by a Martinn we knew we had made the right decision by booking the "Key 2 Paris" apartment. It really felt like home to us for the next week, a lovely relaxing lounge/dining area & kitchen that offered all the amenities. Martinn had stocked the fridge with homemade tea infused yoghurt, granola, muffins, frittata's & melt in your mouth blueberry tarts, bread, butter & spreads! Enough breakfast items to keep us going for quite a few days! The bed was comfortable & the bathroom offered all facilities including a washer & dryer.
The location of the apartment was perfect in the older 2nd arrondissement with 2 metro stations in easy walking distance & the wonderful Montorgeuil market street. Martinn' local knowledge of the history & architecture along with her wonderful "foodie" insight into the many shops we visited all added up to a wonderful morning spent in good company.
We cannot recommend Key2Paris apartment highly enough. The apartment met all our needs perfectly & we will definitely stay here again on a return visit to Paris.


Annie and Patrick, Melbourne  AU


Bonjour, Martinn.
Arrived safe and sound, and we've been busy unpacking, doing the laundry, trying to get over the jet lag and just talking about our wonderful experience with you, in your apartment, around Paris and our affair with the food!
Thanks for your compliments and we'd like to treat things on loan to us as though they were our own. You've been a great, knowledgeable and detailed host, and that certainly added to the experience.
We'll definitely post our positive reviews
May Yin & Jason , Singapore,  July 2017


 A sanctuary inthe heart of Paris

Reviewed August 7, 2017 for a stay in July 2017


Martinn’s apartment is a sanctuary and indeed a key to one of Paris’ well-kept secrets in the central 2nd arrondissement to slip away to once the courtyard doors close behind you. Gastronomes, longer-term vacationers, first-time tourists and seasoned visitors will be hard pressed to find a location more convenient (and as charming) as Key2Paris, sited within walking distance to landmarks, museums, monuments, the historic and still bustling food street that’s Rue Montorgueil, Michelin-approved restaurants, stores, metro/RER stations and buses. The apartment is well-appointed with more than you’ll ever need. And with as meticulous and consummate a hostess as Martinn, you’d be sure that your stay is truly a memorable and special one. We can’t wait to be back.


 May and Jason Singapore


Hello Martinn
 Thank you for your email.   Yes, the chocolate was very, very delicious - thank you. 
Our taxi trip through Paris to St Cloud was calm, uneventful and reasonably priced - and the hire car pick up was all very straightforward.  (One never knows whether complications will arise.)
 We have now arrived in a little gite in Maison Ponthieu, after a few days in a splendid B&B in Fontaine-sous-Jouy.  (It’s called Aulnaie Gardens B&B, if you’re ever looking for a place to stay away from the hustle and bustle of Paris).
 Curiously, the wifi has been intermittent and unreliable since we left Paris (is that usually the case in rural France?) – hence not replying to you sooner.
 Thank you again for the lovely breakfast, your information about Paris and your kindness.  We will certainly recommend your apartment to our friends.
 Kind regards
Lindsey and Tony,Auckland, New Zealand July 2017


My husband and I stayed for three weeks in Martinn's wonderful apartment in late April - mid-May. We have been to Paris more than a dozen times, so we know the city quite well, and have stayed in various locations on both the Right and Left Banks. We prefer staying in an apartment over a hotel because one of our favorite activities to do is to visit the incredible markets, and, for me, it's impossible to see all of that lovely produce, fish, meat, and not want to cook! Also, an apartment is more spacious than a hotel room.
A few of the many advantages of Martinn's apartment are:
LOCATION, LOCATION, LOCATION! Two steps from rue Montmartre, and one block from rue Montorgeuil, a world-famous market street, with every kind of prepared food, specialty food shops, and restaurants imaginable.
EASY WALKING DISTANCE: The Marais, for example the Pompidou Centre, is a 10 minute walk; Les Halles (with Alain Ducasse's new brasserie, Champeaux), is a 5 minute walk; the #3 Metro line on rue Reamur is a 5-minute walk; the Bourse is a 5-minute walk (don't' miss Daniel Rose's new bistro (actually he took over a classic bistro, whose owner retired after many years), La Bourse et La Vie); Palais Royal and the Louvre are a 10-minute walk; and the Jardín de Tuileries and l'Orangerie is 15 minutes. We walked to all this and more. We used the metro only to meet with friends in the 5th and 12th, go to the Musée Marmottan in the 16th, and to go to the Musée d'Orsay, although we could have walked to that, too.
WELL-EQUIPPED APARTMENT: Everything one could imagine (especially if you enjoy cooking -- a kitchen scale a food processor, French press AND drip coffee makers, etc.) are there. A bathroom with a tub and shower. A washing machine AND a dryer. A phone with free calls to the U.S. Lots of guide books, area information, etc. I really like the fact, too, that the apartment is 2 rooms (a bedroom and a living room with kitchen & dining area), rather than a studio with the bed always visible.
I could go on, but don't want to bore you! Suffice it to say that I am happy to respond to emails about our experience, but before I sign off, I need to tell you that the very best thing about Martinn's apartment is Martinn herself. Her knowledge of Paris is just staggering! I had the privilege to join in a tour she had organised for friends in the Haut Marais. Her knowledge of the history, the special "foodie" places, etc. is incredible. I couldn't more strongly recommend putting yourself in Martinn's hands (and her apartment), if you are a first-time visitor to Paris, or, like us, long-time visitors. I know that Martinn will have some wonderful tips and insights for you to really enhance your experience of the City of Lights.
Kim (and Jim), Santa Fe, NM, USA. April May 2017

Reviewed May 27, 2017 for a stay in May 2017


My hostess Martinn was a gem. She was very welcoming and friendly. I accepted her offer of the dinner which was excellent. First time I ate foie gras. The asparagus appetizer, steak and the dessert (strawberries with whipped cream, flaky pastry, with home made ice cream), lovely red wine. All very delicious!

She leaves you with a breakfast that lasts a few days (delicious home made jams). I appreciated this very much.

The apartment couldn't be better situated. Very close to Metro stations and buses. You are 5 minutes from rue Montorgueil for fabulous food shopping, and cafes. Walking distance to the Louvre. I also walked to Musee d'Orsay and l'Orangerie and had a picnic lunch in the Tuileries which is a pleasant walk from the apartment.

I can recommend the Tapas restaurant right next door to the apartment. The food is delicious and the couple who run it are charming.

The apartment has all the amenities you will need for your stay (especially the washer/dryer) and is comfortable. It is also very quiet which after a long day of sightseeing is very much appreciated.

Meeting the locals is very rewarding and far more enriching than an anonymous hotel room. I certainly can recommend this apartment and Martinn's hospitality.  Carol, BC, Canada


 Perfect location and host

Reviewed April 23, 2017 for a stay in April 2017


The apartment is wonderful and in the most incredible & convenient location, it is a lovely neighbourhood and is central & easy to walk to many sights & museums. If you need transport the Metro train or bus is close by. Martinn is a great host and nothing is too much trouble. If you get the opportunity to have a meal with her you should do so as it is a gourmet experience and wonderful conversation is to be had. The apartment is clean, tidy and has all of the amenities that you could need or want. I would recommend anyone that is considering a visit to Paris to take the opportunity and stay at the apartment it is a wonderful experience.  

Glenda and Fiona, Melbourne AU


Bonjour! Nous sommes rentres  sans problem mais un peu fatigue!
Merci beaucoup pour toutes vos assistance en Paris - vous nous avez fait sentir très bienvenue, et nous avons passer un tres agreeable fin de semaine dans un de nos plus prefere ville.

Lorsque vous nous avez vu, nous cherchions deux tasse pour souvenir et aussi pour buvons du bubbles pour le train :) Il etais tres difficile le lundi du paque mais nous avons trouver deux jollie petit tasse tres francais (nous pensons!). Et les enfants se trouvens les chocolates tres bons - jamais incertin!

J'ai recu un lien pour TA et je vais certainement ecrire un revu tres positive (mais demain parceque il est trop tard ce soir)

Alors Merci encore pour tout! Et tout bon regardes et milliers voeux d'Angleterre (toujours European!)

Alan et Philippa, UK, April 2017


My answer : bonjour Philippa et Alan,

merci BEAUCOUP pour cet email bien sympathique. Et je suis ravie que vous ayez aimé Paris, le quartier, l'appartement et mon accueil...
La prochaine fois, je peux vous donner des adresses pour trouver de jolies tasses mais je suis contente que vous ayez pu en trouver cette fois-ci et un lundi de Pâques !
Je vous souhaite un belle vie en UK, en Europe ou pas…
En espérant avoir de vos nouvelles parfois et peut-être vous revoir, mais avant 30 ans…😋
Cheers !!!!


 Perfect base to enjoy Paris from

Reviewed April 20, 2017 for a stay in April 2017


Lovely comfortable apartment in the Montorgueil area of Paris. Right in the middle but Montorgueil feels much more Parisian than other tourist areas. Lots of really nice Brasseries and restaurants and local Boulangerie for the early morning bread shop. So much nicer staying in a typical town apartment than a hotel room, and the owner made sure we were welcome and gave us her inside knowledge of the best places to eat and shop. Hope to go again soon!    Philippa and Alan UK


We are sitting in the departure lounge at CDG. I have a glass of champagne and a bowl of Wonton noodles.
Thank you Martinn for your generous hospitality wonderful birthday dinner and guiding us to the Pissaro exhibition. We miss you and we miss Paris.
Until we meet again,
A Bientôt
       Peter and Karen, Canada  March 2017


 Outstanding choice

Reviewed February 25, 2017 for a stay in February 2017

 2people found this review helpful


Perfect location for walking to most of Paris' attractions. On a small street off Rue du Louvre and near Montorgueil. Located on ground floor (no stairs to climb) off a private and charming courtyard. Small shops and restaurants are located right on same street. Really enjoyed the convenience of having a washer and dryer for a plus 2 week stay! A very complete kitchen is included for your convenience if you wish to cook. The bed was extremely comfortable and I slept very well. Also, the internet connection was just fine and we certainly made use of it!

Martinn is the perfect host. She knows the area so well and is delighted to share information and history. She is also an accomplished cook and her wonderful and abundant breakfast lasted several days! The apartment was very clean and warm (had some cold weather in February), we were very comfortable during our stay. She is also non-obtrusive and respects your privacy.

We definitely enjoyed our stay and highly recommend this apartment!


 Judith and Richard, Tucson AZ


Thank you very much.  The journey went very well although the train was a little late. 
We had a delightful stay and we would very much like to thank you for all your kindness and in particular for the delicious little supper of cheese and wine last night.  It was very nice to have a chance to talk to you. We hope we may be able to come again when we next come to Paris
Andrew & Jackie, UK, Kent, January 2017


 A charming quiet flat in a perfect situation

Reviewed February 5, 2017 for a stay in January 2017


2people found this review helpful


We were delighted with this apartment. It was very comfortable with all the necessary equipment and remarkably quiet, in a charming courtyard off a small street crossing between the Rue Montmartre and the Rue du Louvre. It was a very short walk to the Louvre and to most of the things we wanted to see in Paris: the only time we took the Metro was to the Fondation Louis Vuitton. In fact over four days the two of us only got through one carnet of 10 tickets. Mme Martinn was delightful and left all sorts of good things in the refrigerator for us, and showed us where to shop for food in the Rue Montorgueil which a gastronomic paradise. We cannot recommend it too highly and should certainly like to come here again on our next visit to Paris.


 Jaqueline and Andrew,  Kent, UK


We arrived home safe and sound, but just a little bit tired.  Thank you for making our stay so wonderful.   I look forward to the new Facebook page.
Jennifer and Bryan, USA, Philadelphia, January 2017


 A wonderful place to stay, a gracious host and a delicious breakfast

Reviewed January 13, 2017 for a stay in January 2017


3people found this review helpful


The apartment is located in the pedestrian district of Louvre/Montorgueil and was more than we could have hoped for. It was clean, comfortable and the kitchen had everything that a cook could need. It was located in an area where we felt safe, yet shops and restaurants were only steps away. We took advantage of Martinn's "foodie" tour of the neighborhood that ended with a delicious lunch hosted by our very own tour guide/translator. It was a great introduction to our neighborhood, and a great start to our stay. Included in our rent was a home cooked breakfast, that was generous enough to last the entire week. We visited during Three Kings Day and were even provided with our very own home made Galette! We will definitely return.
Jennifer  & Bryan, US now AU



  Truffle exchange ....Hello Martinn
I wanted to ask you where I might find fresh truffles in Paris?  Lisa and I are back in Paris and I was hoping to pick some up before I go. ...


hello Trevor and LIsa,
in this area here are 2 places for fresh truffles =
- comptoir de la gastronomie rue Montmartre
- Terroir d’Avenir rue du Nil  Open tomorrow Tuesday
 Melanosporum = rabasse ....
This year they are quite expensive because of the weather this Summer. They are very seldom. I have ordered through a friend in the South a small one  30€ for 27gr  ( 1100-1200€:kg, cheap, You’ll probably have to pay more here) I know they are quality.  You may find some less expensive ones but they are coming from China and not good. If you invest, take real, quality ones.
I wrap the truffle in aluminum foil and put it in a glass jar in the freezer
When you need some, you scrape it with a thin Microplan. I had one from last February that I finished for XMAS.

Make sure it is not Chinese. Tasteless.They have to be firm., no holes, not in soil.  The color should be chocolate with regular white marble grain. Use a small sharp nice to check the color.
If color is light brown or black, it has frozen or not mature
In an omelet, in a root vegetable broth, Jerusalem Artichokes, risotto, pasta,  end of cheese fondue …. 
Bonne appétit et bonne année gourmande


Hello Martinn

Thank you for the recommendation. We went to Comptoir de la gastronomie.  
Not as good of a price as you got but still not the worse I've seen.
Just curious how many dinners did you make with your 27 grams worth of truffle?  I got that amount as well.
Thank you again for all the ideas and your wonderful home. We had a wonderful time. We defiantly will be back and coming to you for room and board.

 Authentic parisian apartment in a perfect position

Reviewed January 3, 2017 for a stay in December 2016


What a great spot to take in our short stay of Paris. A walk down to the Louvre and the Seine, and easy public transport to anywhere you want. Cafes, shops and restaurants everywhere you look which make a beautiful stroll in the evening.
Martinn was so generous and helpful with information on the unit and the area and even prepared a delicious breakfast for the next day. The apartment was small, typically Parisian but with all the amenities you needed, and very comfortable. Leanne and Robert  , NSW, AU


Bonjour Martinn,

Thank you for your recommendations in Lyon.  We are looking forward to more great food.
Dijon is very beautiful and we are enjoying our stay very much. Today we will take the train to Beaune to visit for the day.
Tomorrow off to Lyon.

Lisa & Trevor,  Canada, Vancouver  December 2016, January 2017


Martinn, it was a absolute pleasure meeting you. Paris was amazing, I loved it. Thanks for all you did for us, we really appreciate it. I will for sure stay in contact! Have a good new year's and thanks for everything.


 We are home after a fairly easy trip. Thank you again for everything . Bonne année.  Mark


 Home so fast, but at least Rhone and I have a few more days to savor our memories.  Poor Mark has to work today.  It was a lovely week of introducing Rhone to Paris, and it is starting to feel like Rue d'Argout is a second home.  Christmas Eve at your home is memory our little family will cherish, the food was delicious of course, and so was the conversation and ambiance of your home.  Than you for another week to cherish. Carolyn                               USA, Idaho, December 2016


 Totally wonderful place to stay

Reviewed October 17, 2016 for a stay in October 2016


1person found this review helpful


I have rented many, many apartments and this has been the best experience.

First, the location! It's in a pedestrian zone so you aren't assaulted by fumes the second you set foot on the street. Then there are all those restaurants and food shops steps away and Martinn leaves a list of her favorite haunts so you will feel like an insider right away. Next, its proximity to so many sights... Louvre, Pompidou, Marais, the galleries. Great bus and metro connections if you want to go farther afield. Martinn has bookshelves full of travel guides, metro/bus maps, cookbooks, videos, and even novels if you want a quiet evening at home reading. There's a phone that may be used for local and international calls. Martinn has thought of EVERYTHING.

Martinn wants your time in Paris to be magical and she will happily share ideas, or quickest ways to access the sights you wish, or answer any other questions...either via phone or email. I felt more like I was visiting a loving relative than just someone trying to make some money by renting an apartment to strangers. Ask her to make arrangements back to the airport and you will be whisked away in style. She provided a breakfast that was enough for two days for us. It was waiting for us when we arrived so we didn't have to scramble right out and find sustenance.
You will love Martinn. Believe me, when you leave, you feel as if you are leaving a dear friend behind and want to return soon to see her.
I hope my review isn't so glowing that when I do want to return it, it will be totally booked out. That would be sad.   Linda, NC, USA ( Linda and Anne)


Hi Martinn,
 We arrived on November 9th and have been busy ever since. There was a lot of cleaning to be done after Hurricane Mathews.
 We had a great stay in Europe. Everything worked out as planned, except the transfer on arrival in Paris, which of course was not your recommendation.
 Thank you very much for providing the apartment. It was superbly stocked and at a wonderful location. We had a great time in Paris and hope to be back.
 Once again, many thanks and best wishes for the upcoming holidays,
 Udo & Natasha,  USA Florida, September 2016


My answer : Thanks for your comments. Even belated, they are welcome of course. I feel reassured.  And as you know and happily experienced on your way back to the airport, I recommend Blacklane, reliable, on time, clean and polite... Hope you could get reimbursed by the company you had mistakenly booked for arrival.


Linda and I, (Anne),  want to thank you not just for providing a very comfortable and pleasant flat, but for all the information about shopping, etc.  And for arranging the car to the airport !!!  The driver is a very nice young man who dropped us at our respective terminals...  The breakfast was lovely,  after that super rich hot chocolate, Linda had to leave her portion to the next day. ..

Paris is such a beautiful city.  On our last afternoon, we took a very slow bus trip back from the Petit Palace along the Seine.  Even in the rain, the city is beautiful!!


Dear Martinn,
 We loved your place.  If I had had my way we would have spent our entire trip there.   We felt very well looked after by you and appreciate your extra tips.  My husband still has a hankering to see Paris again and I know just where we will stay!
 The taxi wove his way through the backstreets with great aplomb and we reached CDG in about half hour so my worries about not enough time were totally unfounded.  I should have trusted you.
 I left a review on Flipkey. 
 I hope your trip to visit your friend went well.  Linda

Linda (USA) and Anne ( AU), on a sisters' trip  October 2016


Outstanding location with full amenities

Reviewed October 17, 2016 for a stay in October 2016


2 people found this review helpful


The unit was very comfortable, well lit and well outfitted. If you wish to do any cooking, it's very well equipped. Phone available for calls to many locations. Owner extremely helpful with suggestions and she arranged an excellent, great value limo to the airport without us even having to request it. Although a 16-17th century building, the kitchen and bathroom are 21st Century! Very clean.


Anne Melbourne,  AU



Bonjour, Martinn,

Yes, we made it back home without any problem, suffering from jet lag a little, but not too bad.    We both thoroughly enjoyed our stay at your lovely apartment.    Thank you again so  much for the lovely dinner and breakfast you left prepared for us, the wine, and of course, the lovely gift.    We enjoyed Paris very much, and found everyone very friendly.   
Again, thank you so  much for your hospitality and your lovely apartment.

Best regards, Pat and Mindy, Texas, USA  September 2016


Was a pleasure to host you and help you celebrate these important birthdays.  Hope Mindy could handle going back to work without too much jet lag.  Martinn



Comments received  in September 2016


We continue to be so grateful that we found you and this apartment! Thank you so much for the thorough directions to the places we hope to see!    Stohrer fed us this evening.  Chantilly tomorrow if all goes well, following your directions.  All so appreciated!  Kermit is reading the information you sent about the passages.  Keeps commenting how great it is!  You are a treasure


We found you on TA !  We were so impressed by your individual responses and personalization!  You've certainly been a blessing these last two trips.  


Will stay in touch.   Bisou, 2 times!


Alice and Kermit USA, St Louis September 2016


We had such a good time. Dinner was delicious as always. . Kermit and Alice are delightful; we loved meeting them.  Many many thanks. 


Anne North Carolina USA with Caroline and Bob from California



Hi Martinn:  Peter and I drank the wine and ate the rillettes, unpacked and then fell into bed.  Bed wonderfully comfortable and we had a marvelous sleep.  Up this morning and enjoyed your breakfast enormously.  Thank you so terribly much for both the eve welcoming snack and the breakfast.  You have been most kind and generous to us.  All goes well.  We will be away early tomorrow to go to the Bastille market.  We are truly very content here   So very happy to be back in this flat and in Paris again.  Bon soir ........ Back Home, we want to tell you again how much we enjoyed our stay.  Certainly, the highlight for me was the Foundation Vuitton in the Bois de Boulogne.  Let me know what you think after you make your journey.  Both Peter and I enjoyed our  conversations with you.  Next time, we must talk longer.  Meanwhile, take care of yourself.  All our best, Karen   Karen & Peter, Canada August 2016


Dear Martinn,

We had such an incredible time -- we keep talking about it, and planning our next stay -- hopefully next year!
I can't say enough about your excellent hospitality and intelligent recommendations -- you really spent time and effort making sure we had a wonderful time (it definitely worked). I would love to stay in touch -- we would so love to stay with you again in Paris. :)


Also, that taxi driver Vincente -- was just marvelous. I'd definitely recommend him. He got us to the airport as quickly as he could

Make sure you stay cool in the hot weather!
Warmest regards,
Claire & Jeff , USA, Boston July 2016


Dear Claire and Jeff, was a real treat for me to host you. I already put Vincente in my address book. Will check the Sunday traffic as usually  it is not that bad (no business traffic).

Thanks for your enthusiasm, for taking care of the "nest".

Thanks for your "warm" regards, but not too warm please :-) Joking... Living in old buildings with insulation is helpful. And yes come back, send friends and family ( if they are as nice as you). Be aware that next Spring is already quite busy. Check the availability chart before getting your tickets. Au revoir, à bientôt  Martinn


 Excellent experience "Pieds-à-terre in Paris"

Reviewed July 13, 2016 for a stay in July 2016


We have stayed in many flats and hotels around Europe and the US, and this was by far the most convenient, comfortable and hospitable stay we have had. This was our first vacation in Paris.

The apartment is just lovely, and has every amenity you could possibly need. It's in the heart of one of the most charming and exciting neighborhoods in Paris. There are many dozens of marvelous restaurants and boutique shops within steps of your front door. You're situated between the Louvre and Le Marais -- both are short walks (10-15 minutes) from the apt. The Metro and bus stops are extremely close as well.

Martinn has thought about everything, is incredibly well organized, and is highly communicative. She helped us make the right arrangements to and from the airport, and made outstanding recommendations of all kinds (restaurants, galleries, general tips) that helped us save time and frustration.

Martinn is an accomplished chef, and she prepared a memorable dinner for us (all organic ingredients) that we reheated the evening we arrived. She provided an excellent bottle of wine as well. After seven hours on the plane, and more in line at the airport, this was the perfect introduction to Parisian cuisine.

She also provided French coffee, greek yogurt, granola and other breakfast -- just marvelous. I do wish she'd open her own restaurant.

We would most certainly return, and plan to as soon as possible. Merci mille fois, Martinn!

Claire & Jeff, Boston USA


Bonjour Martinn,
Thanks for the opportunity to stay at your fabulous apartment.
The taxi service was on time ( 5min early), clean Mercedes and 35 euro. A very good service. Will post a review on the links proved in the next few days when I get home.
Thx again,
Kerry and Peter  AU Sydney  June 2016


Bonjour Martinn!!

We already miss Paris and want to come back!! Our trip to Cologne went well. We enjoyed staying in your apartment and dinner . We definitely will recommend your apartment to our friends, and I'll write review as soon as I'll get back home!!
Good luck to you and hopefully we'll see you in 2 years!! Stay in touch!!
Mila and Stan :) USA Florida  May 2016


Don't look any further

Reviewed June 1, 2016 for a stay in May 2016


1person found this review helpful


What a fantastic find!! We stayed in this apartment for 10 days, and enjoyed every single of them!! Apartment was spotless clean and very well equipped. We felt like it was home away from home!! Everything is within walking distance, and neighborhood is very nice and safe! Martinn is a great host, truly rare find!! Super easy to communicate, always available and helpful!! We felt very welcomed, she cooked us gourmet dinner on arrival and also left us breakfast. Everything was homemade and delicious!! We definitely would recommend to all our friend to stay at Martinn's , and we will stay there for sure our next tine in Paris!! Thank you Martinn!!


 Mila Florida  USA



 What a great vacation we had!  We definitely fell in love with Paris and I have no doubt that our next European trip will include Paris again.   I would never even consider staying anywhere but yours as long as it is available.  We both love the neighborhood.  Rue Montorgueil, Montmartre, and Argout were the perfect place for us to be.  We never got tired of just wandering those streets.  (Especially after you introduced us to some of the shopkeepers and pointed out some of the beautiful architecture found everywhere.)  


My boss visited Paris a couple of years ago and she said that  they will be going back there someday.  She has been asking me all kinds of questions about Key2Paris and she loves all of the pictures that we have shown her.  Who knows, maybe some day they will be giving you a call!


All of my family love the book that you made for us.  I knew that they would.  Their favorite pictures from Paris are not of Eiffel Tower or Notre Dame, but the food that we ate at Martinn's!


 Thanks again for making our "trip of a lifetime" possible.Most of all it was a pleasure meeting you and getting to spend a little time with you.  It is because of you and this great city that this trip has been the best we have ever taken. Merci beaucoup!


Carol and Roy.  Phoenix, USA April 2016


 PS : Bordeaux was a lot of fun and the weather was perfect.  Thank you so much for recommending it. Thanks for sharing the travel tips


Incredible service and location

Reviewed May 23, 2016 for a stay in April 2016


Not sure what I can add to what has already been said by so many others. Our 16 night stay at Martinn's was the most enjoyable that we have experienced in the past 30 years of traveling and staying in B&B's and apartment rentals. Everything about it was perfect. First of all, we loved the location. Wandering around Rue Montorgueil, Rue Montmartre, and Rue d'Argout-what a great neighborhood! As much as we enjoyed all of the usual sights and museums and monuments of Paris, we loved all of the shops and cafes and the energy of this neighborhood the most. We never got tired of it. Yet it was only a short 10 minute walk to The Louvre, Palais Royale, and many, many equally amazing sights. We walked everywhere from the apartment, including to the Eiffel Tower and Notre Dame several times. For those that prefer not to walk, there are several Metro locations nearby to take you to any part of the city in no time.
The apartment itself was very comfortable and full of all of the amenities that anyone could wish for. Even though it is located in the heart of a very lively neighborhood it was perfectly quiet once inside the courtyard. The apartment is also filled with many helpful books and notes and suggestions about local eateries and shops.

What sets this rental apart from all others which we have experienced is the level of service that Martinn provides. For several months before we arrived in Paris Martinn was available to answer all of my questions via email. During this time Martinn provided us with all kinds of information and suggestions as to how to make our stay more comfortable and less stressful. By the time we arrived in Paris it felt like we were meeting up with a friend. It has been well documented by previous renters as to the quality of the first night meal and first breakfast that Martinn provides. I wasn't prepared for the practically full refrigerator though. This was truly one of our favorite meals in over 3 weeks of eating out in Paris. I would also highly recommend taking a guided walk with Martinn. She took us through the neighborhood and introduced us to many of the shopkeepers while at the same time giving us a lesson in the history of the area. We really enjoyed our time with such a passionate, knowledgeable guide/host. We will most definitely be staying here again the next time we visit Paris! Thanks you so much, Martinn!


 Carol ad Roy, AZ, USA



Bonjour Martinn:
Oh yes we have lovely memories of Paris, of meeting you, of living in your darling little apartment with the really cute yard, of walking all over the neighborhood and visiting the Louvre.  A very nice bus trip all around Paris most famous places.  We really enjoyed it all.  But you really made it special for us and we thank you.  It was fun to live like a local and in such a lovely neighborhood.

Carole and Tom, upstate NY, USA  April 2016


Bonjour !
We were not ready to leave Paris and your wonderful apartment. I just finished my review on Flip Key/Trip Advisor.    I hope I did it correctly.    My words just kept falling short of my feelings!    We truly loved being there.    The neighborhood, the apartment; all was just what we were looking and hoping for in Paris.     Paris is our favorite city and now we have a home away from home there and a good friend!     
We had a nice time in Geneva and Zurich but we left our hearts in France! 
Take care of yourself.     Please stay in touch!!
Au revoir. Fondly,
Wanda and Mark, USA  February 2016


 The only place we will stay in Paris in the future

Reviewed March 10, 2016 for a stay in February 2016


You always hope the pictures and the write ups on these rentals are close to what they are really like. Martinn's (owner) apartment is so much more than the description and the pictures do not do it justice. By the time you enter the courtyard, you realize you have chosen the perfect place to stay in Paris. Martinn is waiting for you inside the apartment which is warm and cozy and has absolutely everything you could possibly need while on vacation. The most valuable part of the stay is Martinn!! She knows and loves her city with a passion and truly enjoys hosting her visitors. Her cooking is beyond great. We chose to have our dinner the 2nd night we were there. We had been out all day and were so tired when we got "home." We opened the door and there was a beautiful dinner with wine and flowers. Find that at a hotel!!! The neighborhood is amazing to a girl from Texas. Everything was right there. You didn't need a car or any transportation but your feet. We went out each day and found what we wanted to eat and bought our dinners and breakfasts like locals. Taking martinn's advice, we shopped like pros and took our purchases home and ate and drank wine and had a blast! martinn made sure we knew everything we needed to know along with tips and suggestions. When the time came to leave, she arranged our cab to the train station and made sure it was a very smooth departure. I know these comments are repeats of other's comments, but truly, this is the most perfect place you can stay in Paris. We have stayed in hotels and other apartments in Paris but this place is on a whole different level of convenience and warmth. I can promise you we will never stay any place else when we return. Why when you have found the perfect place!!?? Thank you Martinn for everything you helped us with and hope your back is better. Take care of yourself and please stay in touch. Maybe we will be able to see Viet Nam some day!!!

Wanda and Mark, Texas USA


Dear Martinn, Sorry for the late response I tried not to look at my messages for a couple of days as this email address also includes all my workmail and I just could not bear seeing how may there were awaiting me........
Thanks for the lovely photo! We just had such a wonderful time in Paris and traveling by train is just amazing, within 6 hours we were back in Selby (near York). A good way to go and we will certainly do it again, perhaps even sooner than the 4 years, and if course we have a good address now!
Thanks again for your wonderful hospitality and fantastic food, I will certainly have a go at the recipes you sent and gave me.
With all best wishes, Josine and Walter, February/March 2016, UK


Dear Martinn,
Thank you for your message.  I’m sorry I have not been in touch since our return at the beginning of the week.  Life has been very hectic catching up with an accumulation of work and post after being away for two weeks.
 Our journey home went very well and we have wonderful memories of our week in Paris.  Not only was the apartment perfect, the area of Paris around Rue d’Argout charming and interesting as well as close to so many wonderful places, but we also gained a new friend in yourself.
 We are most grateful to you for sharing your love of Paris and for all your helpful suggestions and advice.  It was very much appreciated.
Again … thank you for all you did for us to make our stay so memorable.
 With grateful thanks,
 Ruth and Len, Scotland UK  January 2016


 How to beat perfection

Reviewed February 8, 2016 for a stay in January 2016


Not only was the apartment perfect, the area of Paris around Rue d’Argout charming and interesting as well as being close to so many wonderful places, but we also gained a new friend in Martinn who owns the apartment. She was the perfect host. She was there to greet us when we arrived and to show us the apartment and its amenities. It is set in a pleasant little courtyard off Rue d’Argout in an almost pedestrian area of Paris within easy walking distance of the Louvre and many other wonderful museums, which we enjoyed visiting very much. The apartment is on the ground floor and is quiet and restful. Martinn had put together a most useful collection of notes about where to eat, shop and visit in the area and, most wonderful of all, she had prepared a meal of us for the evening of our arrival ... and breakfast for the next morning. This was very thoughtful and meant that we could properly relax after our journey to Paris. There are many wonderful shops and markets in the area which was excellent as Ruth, my wife, loves cooking and made full use of Martinn's collection of recipe books (in English!). Martinn is the perfect host and was there at the end of an email (or telephone call) to answer any questions. It was undoubtedly the perfect, relaxing break. Not only have we gained a new friend in Martinn but discovered the perfect location to return to when we next visit Paris. Thank you Martinn for everything.


Scottish Highlands, UK



Bonjour Martinn

Thank you for your email. We had a really wonderful time in Paris and much of that was the location right in the centre of Paris. 

And you  not only provided enough food for our dinner that night but for a few days afterwards but also provided us with all the information that we needed to make our stay as wonderful as it could be.
I have recommended the apartment to a colleague who is hoping to travel to Paris next year  so who knows you might have more Aussie visitors.

All the best for the new year and I am glad for the skiers that winter has arrived at last in Europe.
Eleanor and David, Dec 2015- January 2016, AU


 Wonderful location and very gracious hostess

Reviewed January 19, 2016 for a stay in December 2015


We stayed for 8 days at the apartment. We were met by Martinn who not only provided enough food for our dinner that night but for a few days afterwards but also provided us with all the information that we needed to make our stay as wonderful as it could be. The apartment is great for 2 people and had everything that we needed. It is like a quiet oasis right in the centre of Paris. We will stay again next time we are in Paris.


 Eleanore and David, Cairns Queensland AU


 Home away from home

Reviewed October 21, 2015 for a stay in May 2015


A lovely ground floor apartment close to the Metro. Safe location with security access to the apartment. Includes bedroom with adjoining bathroom, toilet and laundry. Separate combined Kitchen, Lounge and Dining room. Kitchen has everything you could imagine. Free Wi-Fi Internet. The owner, Martinn is very obliging and has lots of helpful information for tourists. Martinn took us on a walking tour of the 'covered passages' which was made interesting with her local knowledge. I can fully recommend this apartment for a short stay in Paris.    Alan & Jan , AU


You are the sweetest, Martinn! Thank you so much for checking on us


Thanks so much for being such a fantastic hostess!

Angela, USA, December 2015



Dear Parisians,


As you can imagine, we have not been able to stop watching the news.  We have contacted friends living in Paris, and they are O.K.  But the news is heart-breaking.   Attacking Paris is like desecrating a shrine.


Paris is so much more than just a city.  It’s a way of life, the way life is supposed to be.  It’s both an inspiration and an aspiration for the rest of the world.  It’s an ideal that many people only dream about.  Paris embraces and encompasses its visitors.  When we are in Paris, we use the same caution and common sense that we would in any other city, and we have never felt unsafe in any arrondissment, day or night.


Paris eludes easy definition.  It is living, exciting, energized, welcoming, amazingly beautiful, richly historic, impeccably cultured, and deeply civilized.  It is a sweet, sexy and sophisticated celebration of life at its best.


Even the victims of the terrorists were all living and celebrating life in different ways: Sports.  Music.  Food.  Wine.  Friends.  Laughter.  Love.  Paris as usual.  That anyone should ever even think of doing this is a crime against humanity.


(Our favorite holiday is the Festival of Music on June 21st when all these qualities that make Paris so vibrant and alluring and romantic seem to be fully on display.  Just walking across the bridges near Notre Dame lighted in the evening sky, watching lovers strolling and embracing, listening to the music floating softly over the Seine.  These are memories of a lifetime that Paris shares with the world.)


A Parisian friend responded to our concerned email saying, “Don’t worry.  We will never change.”  He was right.


Paris is to experience, to share, and to love.  We would never say we are afraid to go to New York because 9/11 happened there.  And we will never be afraid to go to Paris.  We would go tomorrow if we could.


The music of life and the poetry of Paris live on.


To all the lovely people in the magnificent city of Paris, we embrace you!


And we send our loving prayers,

Bob and Nit , Hawaii




Stay in Paris & your apartment was a real pleasure.
It was a real pleasure to meet Anne & Frank,thanks for the nice evening.
May our path cross again.
Kay, October 2015


We also spent a special evening with Martinn, Martinn was kind enough to include Kay and Popat in our get-together, a California couple who were staying with her this time. Kay had contacted Anne via our blog many months ago and sent Anne an email asking for Paris recommendations. 

Naturally, Anne recommended Martinn’s, and now we were all together drinking wine here in Paris. Isn’t life grand?
We left Paris all too soon.  There is always something more to see and do in this grand city.  But then, we'll be back another time.  Certainly, just as soon as the current stash of fine chocolate bars runs low!!  Heh, heh.

Anne and Frank, Kay and Popat  USA  October 2015


Yes,we have finally reached home last night around 9 P.M.Woke up early due to time difference & slept a lot on the plane.
We really enjoyed your hospitality & our temporary home in Paris.I think it is at a great location with easy city transport & wonderful acess to many attractions.You have a great apartment.

Kay & Popat, USA  October 2015


Hello Martinn
Thank you for making our holiday so enjoyable you are a lovely warm and welcoming lady, the evening meal we had with you was 5 star I will try to replicate it (some hope), how nice to meet your son and Sally two lovely young people. We had a good trip home arrived in Perth at 6.30pm it was great to catch up with our family, and my little dog who was also happy to see us.  I will send you the photos when I get around to down loading them.
All our love and best wishes to you
Janet & Colin ☺  AU, September 2015


A wonder oasis in busy Paris

Reviewed September 20, 2015 for a stay in September 2015


This apartment is behind a heavy door leading into a quiet leafy courtyard the apartment is on the ground floor no climbing stairs with suitcases. Martinn was there to greet us to explain all the features including a dishwasher, washing machine and dryer a kitchen equipped with every electrical appliance you could possible need also a huge variety of pans and dishes to cook up a wonderful meal. On top of that Martinn has prepared a delicious 3 course evening meal ready for you including a bottle of wine, there is more in the fridge your morning breakfast is waiting, how good is that! The local shops stock wonderful foods and reasonably priced wine, great boulangeries with mouth watering pastries. Martinn will give you a list of really good restaurants and a map of food streets and Historic buildings within easy walking distance. Martinn offers a wonderful experience by cooking you an evening meal which is absolutely 5 star. We have been to Paris several times staying in Hotels but this apartment is just like having your own home to go to after a busy day. Martinn is a wonderful hostess and made our Paris holiday a wonderful experience

Janet & Colin, Perth  AU


 Perfect accommodation in perfect location

Reviewed July 31, 2015 for a stay in July 2015


booking this apartment was a breeze and communication with Martinn was excellent leading up to our arrival in Paris. She was very prompt in replying and everything we needed to know about the apartment was provided.

The apartment is small, but suited our needs and is situated in a great part of the 2nd arrondissement, close to everything allowing you to walk to most things. There are plenty of restaurants and supermarkets close by (like within 50 metres) and it was nice and quiet. Everything you could need is provided in the apartment.

Martinn was the perfect manager, giving every bit of information you could need on the apartment and the area. There is plenty of reading material in the apartment for shopping, touring and anything else. Lots of maps and novels as well.

One thing that is worth mentioning is the effort that Martinn goes to in making you feel welcome. As part of her deal, she provides a 3 course meal and a bottle of wine on the day of your arrival and provides plenty of provisions for breakfast the next day. All you have to do is heat up the meal....and it is delicious. A very nice touch.

We would have no hesitation in staying here again and highly recommend it.


Russel & Louise, Melbourne AU


Hi Martinn
Thank you for being such an excellent caring host.
We had a very easy trip home but I confess to being very jet lagged.
It is always worse in this direction
I am also suffering from returning  to a winter climate - I am much happier in the warmth
I would be pleased to keep in contact.
I am trying to convince my husband to return to Paris with me very soon . ..

Carole and Susan, Au, July 2015


Hi Martinn
I am back in work today in a wet and windy Ireland – but thank you again for your kindness in welcoming us to Paris and for your many excellent recommendations
We thoroughly enjoyed our stay and would not hesitate to recommend the apartment
 Paul, Orla, Louise  Ireland  July 2015


“Location and Service set this one apart”


Reviewed July 23, 2015 for a stay in June 2015


My husband and I ended a month in France with a week in Martinn's apartment. What a great ending to a magical month. Martinn's care and attention surpass any other property we have rented throughout the world. She went to a great deal of trouble to ensure we were well looked after and set up to enjoy our time in Paris. Having our first dinner and breakfast provided was a unique and wonderful treat.
The location of this apartment in the 2nd was perfect for us; more locals than tourists, allowing us to 'live the French life', and within walking distance to everything we explored, with the exception of Montmartre. The metro is close and easy to use. The apartment is on the ground floor, facing into the courtyard, making luggage easy to manage and protecting the apartment from street noise. The apartment is a little dark due to it's location, but as most of our time there was in the evening, it was not a problem. We have recommended Martinn's apartment to family and friends and would stay there again if back in Paris. Merci beaucoup Martinn!


 Christine and Graham, Victoria AU


Hello Martinn,
I am glad the apartment was easy to clean. We wanted to leave it the way we found it.
The wine is yours. We could not pack it. Please enjoy.
I will definitely leave a positive review on trip advisor! We had a wonderful time in Paris. We could not ask for anything more!
We have made it back safely. Thank you for everything Martinn! We very much appreciate everything!
Heather and Sydney, New jersey USA  June




Win and Walter, Toronto Canada June 2015


“There is a wonderful apartment in the heart of Paris that deserves attention.”


Reviewed June 19, 2015 for a stay in June 2015


There is a wonderful apartment in the heart of Paris that deserves attention.

We fell in love years ago with Paris and have returned to the city many times to explore its many attractions and to share in the spirit of the city.

Usually, when being in Paris we have stayed in hotels.

On our last trip this past Spring we were able to rent a delightful apartment in the heart of Paris which provided us with a different perspective of being in Paris..
The apartment is in the 2nd Arrondisement, part of a historic complex of flats that is accessed from a cobble stoned street (rue D’Argout), and by walking through a large wooden blue entry door which brings you to a beautiful courtyard and from there to the apartment.
From the moment we entered the apartment we felt at home.

Our host, Martinn of "Martinn keys 2 Paris" met us promptly as planned and as a kind and genial host made sure we were welcome and comfortable in the apartment..

A shuttered window allowed the mid morning sun to filter into the lovely sitting room.
The kitchen was spotless and inviting, with a place for everything we could need, even a juicer to make our morning "citron presse" (freshly squeezed lemon juice)..

A delicious hot meal was waiting for us as well as breakfast for the following morning.

The bedroom and bathroom were fresh and clean with a lovely bath and shower.
There was even a stacked washer and dryer.

Martinn took the time to make sure we had our bearings, highlighted current exhibitions that we might wish to see, referred us to local bakeries and fresh food stores, restaurants and specialty shops.

Even before our arrival she helped me (Win) source a serene yoga studio less than few minutes away from our apartment.

The apartment is located in an area that is filled with the pulse and rhythm of Parisian life throughout out the day and late into the evening.

The streets around the apartment, notably Rue Montorgueil and rue Montmartre are inviting and bustling with cafes allowing one to enjoy the eclectic mix of Parisians going about their day, friends enjoying each others company and visitors seizing the moment.

At the end of each day of discovering new parts of Paris, behind the great wooden blue door, our lovely apartment waited.

The night life of the area may well have continued into the morning hours, but we nevertheless enjoyed the quiet and good night sleep allowing us to be refreshed and ready for a next day.

The Marais district (including the Picasso Museum), the Palais Royale, the Louvre Museum with its Jardins des Tuilleries and the Left Bank are all a few steps away from the apartment.

Martinn thank you once again for your hospitality, friendship and for the genuine care you took to make our stay in Paris so memorable.

A la prochaineTill next time, Win and Walter , Toronto, Canada



 Home away from Home

Reviewed October 21, 2015 for a stay in May 2015


A lovely ground floor apartment close to the Metro. Safe location with security access to the apartment. Includes bedroom with adjoining bathroom, toilet and laundry. Separate combined Kitchen, Lounge and Dining room. Kitchen has everything you could imagine. Free Wi-Fi Internet. The owner, Martinn is very obliging and has lots of helpful information for tourists. Martinn took us on a walking tour of the 'covered passages' which was made interesting with her local knowledge. I can fully recommend this apartment for a short stay in Paris.    Alan & Jan , AU


“Comfortable and Cosy Apartment”


Reviewed June 16, 2015 for a stay in May 2015


Booking an apartment in Paris can sometimes be a chancy thing. Booking Martinn's apartment removes all that concern. Prior to arrival at Paris we had many helpful emails from Martinn to make our stay in Paris memorable.
We arrived a little later than expected due to a delay with the shuttle service but Martinn was there waiting for us.
The apartment has a separate bedroom and bathroom and toilet. The living area has comfortable seating and a kitchen that has every conceivable piece of kitchenware. Plenty of cutlery and crockery. Stove, oven, microwave, dishwasher - you name it, it's there. Free Wi-Fi and phone for local calls is a bonus.
There is good security access to the street level apartment so you feel very safe. Forgot to mention that there is also a washing machine and dryer to use.
Martinn loves to show off 'her Paris' and we enjoyed her guided tour through the 'covered passages'.
The apartment is a few minutes walk from the Metro and plenty of shops and restaurants nearby. A very handy convenience store just around the corner.
We had a very enjoyable week at Rue D'Argout and have no hesitation in recommending to others.

Lake Macquarie AU


Hi Martinn yes the bus trip no 48 went well and was easy, thanks for your help. We have arrived in Brugge to rain but are looking forward to getting out and about tomorrow. We would definitely stay at your apartment again and enjoyed our time in Paris  Thanks  Laura nice"Kiwi"   Family  May 2015


Dear Martinn
Thank you for your email and your loverly thoughts , we had a wonderful time with you and in Paris !
We just got home after Singapore which was hot but very relaxing and a great way to finish our holiday .
We are planning our next holiday and part of that might be to get the train from Paris to London so we may see you then for a short stay !
Again thank you for your help and being so welcoming .

Richard & I did have a lovely time in your Apartment,
we always looked forward to coming "home" each night.
Take care, Kind regards
Richard and Sharon, Australia, May 2015



Reviewed May 27, 2015 for a stay in May 2015


From the moment we enquired about this apartment in Paris, the owner Martinn was lovely.
She was very helpful with every aspect. The apartment was in a residential area 10 min walk from the Louvre, the area was amazing with everything you could wish for in food......
Martinn's apartment was perfect for 2 people, when we arrived there was a hot meal for dinner waiting for us plus breakfast for the next morning.
Martinn gave us so many tips on what to see & do, even helping with a Dr for my husband.
Totally loved our stay there....


Sharon and Richard, Victoria, AU



Now home after a fab week in Martinn's sweet and perfect little rental apartment. Fantastic location and a great welcome. Many thanks Martine for the breakfast, the local tour and all the help and advice. Would definitely recommend!!!!

Kathy and David  UK, March 2015

Exception value and personalized sefvice in the heart of Paris 

Reviewed April 21, 2015 for a stay in July 2014

My wife, and our infant daughter spent one week in July at Martinn’s apartment on Rue D’Argout. From the beginning, we were impressed with her professional and courteous service. Her beautiful and historic apartment is situated in the les Halles pedestrian district, part of the Rue Montmartre area . You can literally walk in any direction and enjoy all that Paris has to offer. The pedestrian streets are dotted with authentic restaurants, cafes, grocery store and local markets. The Saint-Eustache chapel is also only a 5 min walk away and one of the most beautiful l’eglises left in Paris and definitely worth a visit. We made day trips to Versailles and all around Paris, including the l’arc de Triomphe. Since the apartment is a short 5 min walk from a subway station, everything is very accessible.

The apartment is well appointed and has everything you need for a comfortable stay. We impressed that the bustling streets are only steps away but the inner-courtyard is very quiet at night so we were able to get some much needed rest at the end of the day!

Our trip to Paris was our first with our young (8 month old) daughter. Martinn went out of her way to make sure we were comfortable with the baby, including providing a crib. Many of the other places we looked at had old elevators or many flights of stairs to navigate so we appreciated the fact that you can walk right out.

Lastly, Martinn spent some a lot of time with us to get us settled-in and to show us the best that the neighborhood has to offer, including a short guided tour of some of the local highlights. Her personal touch made our vacation much more enjoyable. I cannot recommend Martinn and her apartment highly enough - I have stayed at 5 star hotels that do not compare to this!

 Lara & Jonathan, Toronto, Canada


Hello Martinn~

We landed in Dallas in a snowstorm.  Had to stay overnight & we r hoping our flight leaves this morn for Tucson & home.  We enjoyed our time in your lovely apt & had such a restful time in our favorite city.  Thank u again.

Carol & Jerry, USA  February 2015


Thank You Martinn, I had a wonderful time in Paris (how could you not in such a wonderful city) The apartment was really lovely everything one would need for a comfortable stay such a pity we couldn't have stayed longer. If I am lucky enough to return to Paris I will certainly contact you to see if your lovely apartment is available. Thanks Pat, Ireland February 2015


As an octogenarian (just!) couple, it was perhaps foolish of us to attempt to avoid the tourist hoards by taking a Paris holiday break in early February.  When we heard that icy cold weather was forecast for the whole week, we were particularly concerned by the possible foolhardiness of our plan.  However, after an easy flight to Paris Orly Airport and onward travel by speedy, comfortable and efficient RER train service to central Paris, we walked to our "Special Place to Stay" and were  welcomed and put at ease by our waiting and delightful hostess Martinn, who had prepared an excellent meal ready for us on our arrival.

The warmth of our reception was fully matched by the warmth and comfort of her  compact, very fully equipped apartment, with everything exactly as illustrated and described in the presentation.  The location, very close to the historic Rue Montorgueil with its compelling food shops and cafés and with easy access to transport connection, could not have been better for exploring the delights of Paris: museums, galleries for art and historic buildings.  The famed "covered galleries" were a special delight for shop window gazing, taking light luncheons or sipping on coffee.

We thoroughly enjoyed our week and have returned enriched by our experience and determined to visit again.  Thank you Martinn!
Jenny and William,  UK  February 2015


Hi Martinn

Thank you for making our stay in Paris so wonderful. We enjoyed every minute of it: the walks, the museums, the food and you.

Judith and John, New Jersey, US  January 2015

“Beautiful apartment, great location, gracious owner”


Reviewed January 23, 2015 for a stay in January 2015


My wife and I spent a near perfect week in Paris at this conveniently located apartment. I say "nearly perfect" because our stay coincided with the horrible killings at Charlie Hebdo. None the less, Paris was Paris. The nearby streets were filled with bustling cafes, bistros, brasseries and to-die-for bakeries. Our gracious host, Martinn, offered customized suggestions about sights and museums beyond the traditional guidebook listings. We could easily walk to the Louvre, the Marais, Rue de Rivoli, the Pompidou Center and the Ile de la Cite. The apartment contains a bedroom, living room with kitchenette and a full bath. We had a wonderful time and look forward to returning.


 Judith and John, Skillman, NJ USA



Bonjour Martinn
Happy new year! Firstly, we are sorry for the delay in replying to you. The new year has been a hectic start, but we have not forgotten our piece of paradise over Christmas. We had the most fabulous time in your beloved Paris and the apartment which was just perfect.
Thank you for all of your recommendations and organising for our luggage to be stored across the road. We have been telling everyone we've seen since our return, how excellent your recommendations were and how we needed more time/to come back to explore them all! One day....!
We would be happy to write a glowing recommendation on Alistair Sawdays.
I hope you, your family and friends are safe in Paris after the events of this week. We are all shocked and horrified and fully support those marching today- #jesuischarlie
All the very best
Julie and Simon, London,  December 2014


“Warm and cosy retreat in excellent location”


Reviewed January 3, 2015 for a stay in December 2014


My wife and I stayed in Martinn's apartment for 4 nights in December 2014. Martinn is charming and very good host and communications with her were first rate before, during and after our visit.
The apartment is compact but well equipped and warm - very important in December in Paris!
Excellent location for transport, the sights and all manner of good food shops.
We would hope to return one day.


 Geraldine and John Abergavenny UK


 A hidden treasure

Reviewed December 22, 2014 for a stay in November 2014


Our recent stay (November 2014) in Paris was a great experience and made more so by Martinn's lovely apartment right in the heart of the "day-to-day" activities. Central to food, shops etc., yet so quiet that you thought you were the only people around! The apartment has all that is needed for a self sufficient stay and Martinn's chocolate granola is just the nicest breakfast cereal that I have ever tasted. We were greeted personally and all was explained plus the detailed instructions in the apartment meant that we did not have to worry about the vagaries of different appliances, and a list of local recommendations helped us to choose from the many little shops around the area. We went on long walks from the apartment and thanks to Martinn's maps, we always managed to make our way back home again without too much trouble. We would definitely stay here next time we visit Paris, with such a hostess, we would be mad to do otherwise!!!!!!! Wonderful lady, wonderful stay!!


Chris and Ron, Castle Hill AU


“More than a roof and a bed”


Reviewed November 14, 2014 for a stay in November 2014


Have you noticed the personalized responses that Martinn writes to her many positive reviewers? This is characteristic of the careful and kind attention she offers to her guests. She really wants you to have an enjoyable visit to her City of Light, and her Parisian knowledge and warm hospitality make that a virtual certainty. Heartfelt thanks, Martinn, for that delicious home-cooked dinner, and for being such a gracious hostess.


 Gail, California USA


Dear Martinn,
Our pleasure!!!!  We really appreciated your unit, your efficiency and most of all your friendliness!!!
Thanks you again for the wonderful stay and we hope you have a safe and happy Xmas and new Year.
Take care,  Au revoir,
Chris and Ron, AU, November 2014


Bon Noel, Martinn. Nous avons passe, en mars, une semaine magnifique a Paris dans votre appartement.
WENDY & JOHN,  UK March 2014


Hello Martinn
 Gianna and I are now back in Australia and back to work – does it ever end?
 We really enjoyed staying in your place and the location was so convenient.
 Thank you for your help
 Best wishes for Christmas and the New Year

Gianna and Gary  Australia, November 2014


A home from home in Paris

Reviewed October 14, 2014 for a stay in October 2014


1person found this review helpful


This is a great apartment in the buzzy les Halles district. There are plenty of shops and cafés on the nearby Rues Montmartre and Montorgeuil as well as les Halles. Most of the area is pedestrianised. When you arrive Martinn is there to greet you and tell you how everything works and leaves a handy guide for reference. She also provides an evening meal for you to reheat at your leisure plus breakfast the next morning. She's a great cook and uses organic ingredients. It was a lovely welcome on our first night. The central location makes it easy to get around as there are metro and bus stops nearby. The apartment is in a courtyard so there's no street noise to disturb you. The kitchen is well equipped and there are no hidden extras for services like wifi. It really felt like a home from home.


 Elaine and Mike London, UK


Bonjour Martinn,


Well we have now been home for 2 weeks and I thought I would send you a photo which we took from your apartment window. All our friends tell me "that is a very French photograph" and of course it is.

We have lovely memories of our stay in Paris and in your lovely apartment. We also appreciated your hospitality very much.

The remainder of our holiday took us to L'Isle-sur-la-Sorgue which was the most idyllic place on earth and we were so happy to have spent almost 3 weeks there.

Our stay in Padua was wonderful, highlighted by the Giotto frescoes in the Scrovegni Chapel, then on to Budapest, Krakow, Warsaw, Berlin, Leipzig, Dresden and Prague. What an experience we have had!

We have now almost settled back in to the usual routine and are looking forward to the summer months.

I do hope you are in good health and that the winter is not too severe for you.

With kind regards,

Rosalie and Tony, Australia, August 2014 email sent mid-november :-) what a trip !


 Would Stay Here Again and Again

Reviewed September 16, 2014 for a stay in September 2014 What a fantastic apartment, we stayed here for a week and by the end it really felt like home. Martinn was most welcoming and very generous, we had dinner provided for the first night and breakfast the 1st morning... All home made, all delicious. We also tour around the area with Martinn, she is so knowledgeable and very passionate about the area which rubbed off. We learnt so much and was a great orientation. The apartment has everything that we required and is in such a lively vibrant area, that you don't really need to go anywhere else. We are in a hotel in Rome now and are really missing the Paris apartment. Hoping to return again and again. Gayle  and Sandy AU


Bonjour Martinn,

                                     We're organizing our photos which are such good ways of remembering the details of our travels.

 Paris is so many things: Museums. Culture. History. Romantic views. Beautiful churches. Wonderful cafes. Michelin-starred restaurants. Amazing architecture. The Seine River. The best wines and cheeses on the planet. And gracious people living and sharing the good life!!

 We loved all of it, but one of the truly special experiences was something completely off the tourist track, that very few people get to experience. That was the delicious homemade dinner and your welcoming hospitality!

What a great treat!

 Have a wonderful autumn in Paris!


Bob and Nit again, remembering August in rue d'Argout



Bonjour Martinn,

Thank you so much for giving our time in Paris a personal touch that the usual, casual visitor never sees! We had a wonderful time. Paris is work, but if you make the effort, the rewards are ten-fold: absolutely beautiful memories of a lifetime.

You do so well enhancing and personalizing the experience for visitors. (By contrast, we stayed on rue Cler a month and never even met the owner once. He -- or she?? -- was completely anonymous.) Thanks for all the recommendations and insider tips and a beautiful home-cooked meal! On the last day, you even brought over a book with the history of street names and a beautiful Canavalet Museum reference book to inspire a future visit. And because you probably had a hand in it, thanks for arranging such good weather for us!

We just returned to Hawaii 3 days ago after a great visit with family and friends on Cape Cod. Back to work.

Have a wonderful autumn!

Much aloha,

Bob and Nit, Hawai August 2014


Thank you soooo much for such a wonderful comment !

You made my day, my week, my Autumn. I do my best for my guests and am so pleased when they enjoy. As for the weather, I'd love to have a hand on it but ... If guests to be read this, if weather is not "so nice" when they visit (it happens ...) they could think I did not give them as much care as I did for you :-)

My turn to thank you for being you, for your enthusiasm, for taking great care of the apartment, for cooking some authentic Thai food for me....

Come back for Carnavalet, more cheese, more streets, more Paris when you want. You will be welcome as friends.





Bonjour Martinn,

Yes, our departure from Paris was very smooth. The taxi arrived on time and we were in plenty of time for the train to Avignon. Our apartment in L'Isle sur la Sorgue is delightful and in the centre of all the 'activity'. It is a very pretty village with streams and water wheels. We ate at an outdoor restaurant last night with a lovely warm breeze to keep us company. It is quite hot here.

We drive to Uzes on 12th and after a few days there fly from Marseilles to Venice/Padua. Our journey from there takes us to Budapest, Berlin, Leipzig, Dresden, krakow, Warsaw and finally Prague. This is a 10 week holiday, one which will leave us with so many wonderful memories.

Thank you again Martinn for being a generous hostess. We will always remember our little Paris apartment in Rue d'Argout.

Best wishes,

Rosalie and Tony, Australia August 2014


Dear Martinn

Thank you so much. We had a fabulous last morning in Paris. Our bags were safe and sound. Thank for arranging that as well.


We had a wonderful week. Your apartment is perfect for us. The location could not be more perfect. We only took one taxi and no metro the entire time (and that included walking to and from Montmartre)

Paris remains one of the World s greatest cities

 Enjoy the rest of your summer.


Jill and David, Toronto Canada August 2014


 Living like a local in the heart of Paris

Reviewed July 15, 2014 for a stay in July 2014


1person found this review helpful


We have just spent 10 days in Martinn's quiet little apartment, and highly recommend it as a base to explore Paris. Easy walking distance to many of the key destinations, and within close reach of at least 3 Metro stations, you enter through a double set of gates which immediately move you off the bustling neighbourhood streets and through a pretty courtyard, into a compact miniature flat with heaps of very French character. Everything you need is there - a fully equipped kitchen and laundry, large comfortable bed, clean bathroom with a full size bath. But what we loved best was the market street one block over, Rue Montorgueil, with it's fabulous array of gourmet food stores, fresh produce, bars, cafés, boulangerie, the tourist route, it felt like a very local place to shop and hang out. Fantastique!


Cath and Rob , NZ


Dear Martinn,


I know it's been awhile since we have returned to Australia but as they say better late than never!


Obviously we've been very busy and lots has been happening for us here hence my delay in contacting you.


All that aside I would just like to pass on to you from myself and Grahame what a wonderful time we had in Paris and staying in your apartment.


The convenience of its location was great and allowed us easy walking access to all the wonderful sights that Paris has to offer.


The provisions that you left in the apartment for our convenience was very comforting and your instructions for obtaining more from the local area were helpful indeed - breakfast, lunch and dinner were never far away and easily accessible and delicious too!


Having chosen your apartment from a book I don't think I could've made a better choice for a home away from home in Paris. I would wholeheartedly recommend it and in fact have done so to friends in Sydney who I'm hoping you may hear from later this year as they plan their trip to Paris for next year.


I really enjoyed the wealth of information you were able to impart about food provisions and general information of Paris and France.


The best part about our stay while in Paris was your advice on touring the 'Inside Passages'. This was a real insight for me into what I was personally looking for while in Paris - the peoples Paris. The arcades were beautiful and how they wove through the city was fascinating. I know I wouldn't have found them on my own and with your wealth of knowledge once again it made for a most memorable day.


Martinn, it was a pleasure to meet you and if we ever have the opportunity of visiting Paris again we would certainly choose to stay in your apartment.


Thank you and kind regards,


Maija and Grahame, Australia, May 2014


 Great Location

Reviewed August 18, 2014 for a stay in June 2014


1person found this review helpful


Stayed in Martinn's apt for 1 month. Very convenient to transportation & all your shopping needs. We wanted to experience staying in Paris at a slow pace & this apt had all the amenities we needed. Thank you Martinn for being a great hostess.


Susanne and Michael , California,  USA


Paris doesn't get better than this!!!!!!!!

Reviewed July 25, 2014 for a stay in June 2014


1person found this review helpful


We stayed at Martins's apartment for 8 nights. She is a truly thoughtful and welcoming host. Her apartment is compact but beautifully fitted out. It has everything that a tourist in Paris could desire. Ideal location, first dinner and breakfast provided, clean, and comfortable, numerous cafes as well as self catering shops very close by. She has tourist guides and handy hints for seasoned travellers as well as for those visiting Paris for the first time. We arranged to do a full day walking tour - it was a highlight of our stay. Martinn and her apartment are just a delight..


Melbourne AU Margaret and Rose


Dear Martinn,


Tom and I want to thank you for your kindness and hospitality during our stay at your apartment in Paris. The location is perfect and very quiet . It was so good for us to take the tour the next day as we understood the layout of the area rather quickly. We are also delighted that we opted for dinner and breakfast. Both meals were absolutely delicious. Thank you for gift with Fragonard as a memento of our trip to Paris and the Rococo Period in French art.

We returned home about a week ago to 30+C so we fondly think of cooler days in France. We do hope that you are well,

Carol and Tom, Alabama USA April 2014


“A Superb Parisian Experience”


Reviewed June 16, 2014 for a stay in April 2014


2people found this review helpful


What a joy to rent this apartment in Paris! The location is ideal within walking distance of the Marais, the Louvre, shopping, excellent restaurants, and food markets. Paris had been our destination many times before and here we wanted to be a part of city life and we were! Martinn recommended museums, a concert, restaurants, markets, and tours that are not on the usual tourist route. We enjoyed every minute. The apartment included all the amenities that one needs and is quiet and secure.

Tom and Carol, Alabama, USA


 As Good as the Reviews Say

Reviewed April 29, 2014 for a stay in March 2014


2people found this review helpful


We have stayed in several apartments in Paris and this one is a top favorite. What makes this apartment so special? The central location is ideal for sightseeing and just minutes away from rue Montorgueil (a real plus!). The situation, being in a courtyard is lovely and quiet -- like an oasis in the middle of the city. The apartment has every amenity you could want including a full-sized fridge and oven, lots of dishes/utensils/pots and a separate washer and dryer (so much better than the washer-dryer combo you often get). The modern bathroom is also a good size with a powerful shower.

But what really makes this apartment special is Martinn. She is so helpful, so quick to respond and very organized as well. I really appreciated that the apartment was fully supplied with basics like paper products, all cleaning supplies etc. so that we did not need to run out to the store right away. Even better, Martinn did something that I have never experienced before: she gave us dinner for our first night and breakfast for the following morning. Delicious meals just waiting for us in the fridge (including wine!). I can't tell you how wonderful this was -- what a nice relaxing way to begin our stay!


Ann and Frank,  Pennsylvania USA


 Fabulous apartment, fabulous area, fabulous host

Reviewed May 6, 2014 for a stay in April 2014


2people found this review helpful


This was a fantastic stay, in a charming and very comfortable apartment, in an amazing part of Paris. We spent a week here, and only touched the surface of this area. Fabulous restaurants and bars and chocolatiers and boulangeries and fromageries and stylish clothes, and beautiful churches and .... Well, Paris, really. All within a few hundred metres.
The apartment was exactly as shown on the web - small, but with everything you need. And it was wonderfully quiet. So relaxing to come home to after exploring the city.
Above all, Martinn was a wonderful host. She went out of her way to meet us at the apartment, even though we were delayed getting in from the airport. She provided an exquisite breakfast of home made delights which set the tone for Parisian cuisine, and was fabulous after 20 hours in a plane. She gave us great advice on local shops and eateries, and rescued us mid-stay when we forgot how to manage the washing machine(holiday brain and jet lag can do strange things).
We were also delighted with our walking tour with Martinn; her kindness and generosity and knowledge took us places we'd never have found, from hidden gardens to heavenly macarons. She is a treasure.


Alan Perth AU


Thanks again for making our stay both memorable and comfortable
Best wishes
WENDY & JOHN,  UK March 2014


Dear Martine,

Thank you very much for your email and it was very good to meet you too. Our journey back was very easy and we will try to stay relaxed as long as possible!!


We had a very lovely stay in your apartment.

Thank you for making us so welcome and also for helping us to find our way around as well as guiding us towards some very good and drink!


Until next time...

Rosy & John, London, UK, February 2014



Bonjour Martine


 We arrived home this morning after what seems like an eternity in planes and airports! We miss Paris already....


 We will write a review for you - it was pure joy to stay at your apartment!

 Take care and we will hopefully see you again in a few years time - we will start saving $ now!


 Kind regards and au revoir


Angela and Pete, Au, December 2013, January 20


Great apartment in fabulous location

Reviewed January 9, 2014 for a stay in January 2014


1person found this review helpful


From the moment we stepped into the courtyard and saw the apartment, we loved it! The location is fabulous, being right near Rue Montmartre and Rue Montorgueil, both of which have great boulangeries/patisseries, boucheries (butchers) and supermarches. The apartment is easy to get to from Charles De Gaulle (CDG) airport, and is close to a Metro station (2 minutes walk) and RER station (3-4 minutes walk). The kitchen had everything we needed to cook great meals. Martinn was so very helpful and welcoming! We will definitely be back to this apartment!


Angela and Pete  Brisbane AU




Dear Martine,

I apologize for the delay in writing but we want you to know how much we enjoyed our two weeks in your apartment. The apartment fit our needs perfectly and the location was just what we were looking for. You are a charming hostess and your attention to your visitor's comfort and enjoyment is much appreciated. From the wonderful welcome basket to your lists of favorite neighborhood restaurants and shops, you made our stay a memorable one. We hope to see you again when we return to Paris.

Thank you for your hospitality,

Cris & Bob , USA, October, November 2013


Dear Martinn,


A Happy New Year to you!

Nine hours after you, we are safely home and have a peaceful first day of 2014.


Thank you so much for being such a wonderful hostess of our winter vacation in Paris. Charles and I both enjoyed the stay at your nice apartment, and of course, the time we spent with you.

We hope you will have another healthy and full of fun 2014!



Charles and Mariko, Portland, Oregon December 2013


Reviewed January 6, 2014 for a stay in December 2013

 Our 2-week stay at Martinn's little place was so wonderfully relaxing. My husband and I were completely satisfied with the apartment. It is the best with nothing else to ask for.

Fist, it is located right in the heart of Paris, close to the central hub of transportation like Metro, RER, and bus all around. It was very easy to arrive from the airport(CDG). Many major sightseeing spots in walking distance. We walked to the most places with no problem. Even the market street (with many restaurants) is only a few minutes away, so we went out for any food items anytime we wanted.

Amazing thing is the place is very quiet tucked in a courtyard despite you are surrounded by so much convenience. We felt very safe.

The apartment is fully equipped with anything you need during the stay. The shower had enough hot water with good pressure. The washer/dryer were easy to use. There is, smooth Wifi access, to name a few. Martinn was always there for us if we needed some assistance. She is extremely quick to respond. That is another thing I felt very safe in a country that I don't speak their language.

Getting to know Martinn made our trip much more memorable. We would love to stay at her place again when we get a chance next time. Highly recommended!


 Mariko and Charles,  Portland USA




... I arrived early. Not wanting my hostess to feel rushed, I waited near her apartment sitting on a bench watching the Parisians on a Friday night while drinking my latte.

 At 8pm I entered her complex.

Martine is a professional hostess. Her years of running a B&B was evident in her flawless ability to converse, flowing between topics and showing her acumen for American life and customs.

 Over appetizers, shrimp salad, fish, cheese and tarts offered in 4 courses, we compared French to American life, politics, and family. At the end, near 11pm, we exchanged emails and contact information just before my taxi arrived. I believe I have a new friend.

My night was perfect.  The perfect way to experience Paris.


Karen, US September 2013








Thank you for your kind words.


We very much enjoyed our stay in your lovely apartment and would not hesitate to stay with you again. We are already missing going to the local bakery for our breakfast bread and seeing all those beautiful cakes, pastries and chocolates in the shop windows.


Thank you once again.


Alicja and Richard,UK, November 2013


Thank you for your kind words, Martine! We have come to think of the apartment as our Paris home and you as our special Paris friend. Any planning for future trips to Paris will revolve around availability of the apartment! We're home, unpacked, ...I have a pot of potato soup on...


The young man at Stohrer was a charmer.

Included too is a copy of the card from the restaurant we spoke of near Notre Dame. We had a gourmet meal beautifully presented and I would certainly recommend it.


As soon as I'm over jet lag I will write for Trip Advisor.


Alice and Kermit

Saint Louis, USA October 2013




Reviewed October 31, 2013 for a stay in October 2013


Trip advisor wins again!! This apartment is extremely well-located, within walking distance of the Louvre, Marais, and other must-see areas of Paris. It is quiet, comfortable, secure (a door and a barred gate to pass through), very well equipped, and includes a washer and dryer. The gates open to a lovely cobblestone courtyard and the apartment is on the ground level. The owner, Martinn, is a one-woman welcoming committee, a knowledgeable concierge, and a friend on-call. If you opt for the dinner with her you are in for a treat. We had a delightful evening with her as she treated us to a gourmet dinner. It was the highlight of our trip. The welcoming breakfast basket was filled with her homemade and healthy offerings that lasted through 3 or 4 breakfasts! Bubbly, too! When we return to Paris we hope to again rent this apartment.


 Alice and Kermit St Louis  USA



“We Want to Return!”


Reviewed September 15, 2013 for a stay in July 2013


My husband, daughter, and I stayed in Martinn's apartment during our visit to Paris in July. We enjoyed our stay in Paris very much! It was fun to live among the Parisians. Martinn's apartment is clean and in a very good location close to the metro, market, Stohrer Pastry Shop, stores, and within walking distance to several tourist sites. We also liked that she had a landline for us to call home to the United States and the many tourist books we could research from in her library. Prior to our stay, Martinn responded quickly to my email questions and made us feel very welcome when we arrived. She is very upfront on how she expects the apartment to be taken care of, yet she is very personable and was always anxious to hear our opinion. During our stay, she called to see how we were doing. We spent the 4th of July on a tour with Martinn around the historical area of Paris, which we really enjoyed. We had lunch together and she surprised us with a special dessert to celebrate the 4th of July. We were sad to leave Martinn because we felt like we were leaving a good friend in Paris.

 Sharla, Merryl and Tessa,  Utah, USA


Hi Martinn

We have absolutely loved our week in Paris and loved our home on rue D'Argout! It was a perfect place for us.

See you in the morning!

Sleep well ….


We are safely checked in and waiting for our flight. Unfortunately I forgot that my lavender honey from Provence was in my backpack and it was taken from me! C'est la vie! Thank goodness I packed the honey you gave to us in our checked luggage!!

Thank you again for your hospitality and generosity. Our day with you was the highlight of our week. We do hope to return to Paris someday to visit with you. Until then let's keep in touch!

Enjoy your concert tonight!

Cheers Jacquie & Graham

September 2013, Canada


“Lovely apartment, Close to everything, great neighbourhood”

 Reviewed September 30, 2013 for a stay in September 2013


This is a great apartment, in a great neighbourhood. It has a really good kitchen, fully equipped, washer/dryer, , free LD to Canada and is exactly as written up and in the pictures. The neighbourhood is a pedestrian area filled with food and clothing shops, restaurants, cafes and has everything you could possibly ask for. It's a 10 minute walk to the Louvre and close to a metro and bus stop. If you didn't want to take the metro or bus, you could easily walk to all of the Paris sites. Martinn is a gem -- great hospitality, lots of local knowledge and happy to share that knowledge with you. She sent us all sorts of information before we arrived and booked a restaurant for us for our first night in Paris. She took us on a tour of gourmet food shops, patisseries, chocolate shops as well as sites we wanted to see on the Left Bank -- fabulous tour and lots of fun! We'd go back in a heartbeat!


Jackie  and Graham,  BC Canada



Absolutely perfect

Reviewed October 8, 2013 for a stay in August 2013


We stayed at Martinn's for 2 weeks in August and September, 2013 & would highly recommend this apartment. It is very clean and well furnished having everything one needs, and even more importantly, located centrally so easy access to all of the sights of Paris. Martinn is an amazing host, fabulous chef and a very knowledgeable tour guide - she has a true love for Paris & it shows! We got wonderful advice on what to see & do and the one day walking tour of the gourmet district was an absolute highlight. Any recommendation from Martinn on restaurants, shows, or things to see was spot on. We hope to return to this beautiful city & would definitely stay here again.


Nadean & Richard, Alberta Canada



 An unforgettable 35th Anniversary

Reviewed August 26, 2013 for a stay in August 2013


A very gracious hostess welcomed us to her peaceful apartment, and helped us to explore Paris. The superbly equipped kitchen was supplemented with great books about Paris, restaurant reviews, and maps. We found we could walk to all of the great museums, Notre Dame, the boat ride on the Seine that leaves from Pont Neuf, the Tuilleries garden (at night you can look up at the well lit Eiffel Tower), a Fragonard perfume museum, the finest department stores, wonderful cooking stores on the bottom of Rue Montmartre, and outdoor markets. One block away is Rue Montorgueil, full of food shops, restaurants, and cafes. The lovely old passages are very much worth exploring with your camera, just ask the wonderful host Martinn where they are. The nearby Sentier metro stop will take you to the Père Lachaise Cemetery, a place you can easily spend two hours walking through.


 Marguerite and Edmund Massachussets,  USA


Bonsoir Martinn,


Nous voilà de retour et le voyage c’est très bien passé. Personne n’a dormi pendant le trajet et Pierre Olivier a quitté pour son travail à 8h45 ce matin (c’est beau la jeunesse !)


Nous revenons la tête remplie de beaux souvenirs. Quatorze jours à Paris a découvrir, visiter, explorer et apprendre sur votre histoire. Et comme tout bon touriste nous nous sommes gâtés.


Notre pied à terre dans votre appartement a rendu notre séjour des plus agréable. La proximité de tout, une belle vie de quartier et la gentillesse des Parisiens. Nous vous remercions pour tout…votre accueil, vos bons conseils, vos petites attentions, le confort , la propreté et les facilités de l’appartement. Tout était parfait, nous avons même du la chance de vivre une canicule à Paris, oh qu’il faisait chaud.


Merci bien d’avoir participé a rendre notre séjour à Paris de plus inoubliable !

Au plaisir,


Esther, Clément et Pierre-Olivier

Quebec, Juillet 2013


Bonjour Esther,  Clément et Pierre Olivier déjà reparti travailler,

comme c'est gentil  de prendre le temps d'écrire alors que vous avez tellement de choses à faire au retour et que vous êtes certainement prête à vous écrouler...
cela a été un plaisir de faire votre connaissance même brève car vous étiez bien occupés à TOUT découvrir !
Je suis ravie que mon appartement et moi-même ayons contribué à votre bon séjour et à célébrer ces anniversaires.

Je vous attends pour les prochains dans 10 ans ? !

Portez-vous bien et je ne manquerai pas de vous tenir informés des bonne recettes que je ferai avec le sirop d'érable, le vrai que vous avez eu la gentillesse de m'apporter de votre beau Québec.
 Je remercie ici les amis qui vous avaient parlé de mon appartement
A bientôt, via les électrons




Reviewed July 14, 2013 for a stay in June 2013


1person found this review helpful


I enjoyed my stay in this cozy apartment very much - stayed in 2 other places in Paris and this was by far my favourite. The combination of an old building with modern finishing was a delight. Every morning when I opened the windows, I felt the history of many hands doing the same thing over the centuries. Yet the very updated, complete kitchen and great bathroom, complete with laundry, made it feel like home. My knees appreciated that the apartment was on the ground floor and with the secure entry it felt completely safe. The location of the property is very good - near to buses, metro, restaurants, shopping, and not far from the river and all its sights. Martinn is very organized and this provides security and clarity which is helpful for a tourist. She also provides help and almost any service you could wish - directions, suggestions, personalized plans and follow up, prompt email contact, and friendly recommendations and tidbits. I took a gourmet tour of the area with her and enjoyed all the specialty places and interesting sights she knew. I could set the pace and liked the feeling of exploring without having to use a map or get lost! When I think of Paris I will always think of the experience of staying in Montorgeuil.


Christie , California, USA   Roland Garros Afficionado


Hello Martinn.


Yes we arrived back safely. Trying to settle back into normal life.

Thank you again for letting us rent your apartment, we were very lucky to have had a very beautiful, central spot.


Your hospitality was great, and made our trip more memorable.Your tour was informative, and your meal excellent.


Hope you are well.

You mentioned you were booked out, so no doubt you are busy.

Hope the weather has improved.


Thanks again ( Merci).Love


David & Frances, Australia June 2013


Bonsoir Martinn,


Forgive me for my late reply. Catherine and I spent a lovely evening with you and Sophie on Saturday evening. The dinner was wonderful. Thank you also for the information you provided about Paris. It was all very helpful. Good luck with your future endeavours and again thanks.




Theresa, Toronto, Canada May 2013

“The apartment made our stay in Paris complete!!”


Reviewed May 27, 2013 for a stay in April 2013


My niece and I recently spent 6 nights at Martinn's apartment in Paris. We loved felt like we had a home in Paris. We could enjoy the shops of the neighborhood, pick up groceries or prepared food, enjoy a quiet night in the comfort of the apartment with lots of room for our own private space if we wanted it. The apartment could not be better located with close metro and bus connections as well as easy walking to nearby sights. It was quiet and secure, I would be comfortable being there on my own. Martinn welcomed me, had a wealth of ideas of things to see and do was a wonderful resource, we just needed more time to take it all in, so I guess we must come back, and when I do I will set my date based on the availability of the apartment, it really was the best part of staying in Paris.

 Janice, San Diego, USA

Cozy apartment perfectly located with the best host in Paris

Reviewed August 9, 2013 for a stay in April 2013


1person found this review helpful


After visiting Paris multiple times as foreign students and then again while stationed in Germany, we decided to spend a week in the city of lights for our 25th anniversary. The small but charming apartment is perfectly located to cover most of Paris by foot. The local neighborhood is very inviting and filled with many wonderful placed to eat and buy delicacies.
However the best part of staying there is Martinn. She is very funny, interesting, and welcoming. Her recommendations on food and places of interest were invaluable. She helped us rediscover Paris all over again but with an insider's view.


Carolyn and Mark  Idaho, USA


 Fabulous warm and cosy apartment in a very central location

Reviewed February 28, 2013 for a stay in February 2013


What a gem. Fabulous ground floor apartment, very clean and cosy. Secure environment tucked away in quiet side street. As a female solo traveller felt very safe in the area. Great central location, few minutes walk to metro, Etienne Marcel, direct line from Gare du Nord. Good local shops, restaurants. Martinn is an absolute treasure, so helpful, and a joy to meet. Recommend without hesitation.


Sandra, Kent, UK,


“Great weekend in Paris”


Reviewed February 21, 2013 for a stay in February 2013


I chose this apartment, after reading up on various reviews, for my wife's birthday w/e. It was every bit as good as others here have commented and of course Martinn was so helpful and generous. The apartment is very well located and a short walk from a lively market street, and surrounded by restaurants. We particularly liked "Le Restaurant du Comptoir" which is near the church of St Eustache, where incidentally there are often some very fine organ recitals.  Mike living in   GERS,  France



Good Morning, Martinn!   Mark and I are both back at work this morning, sadly without our morning tartines and café crèmes.  What a wonderful week it was-we can’t thank you enough.  Really, dinner with you on Saturday night was the very best part-not only was your food spectacular, but the conversation was a pure pleasure!  It has taken its place in our top favorite dinners of all time (what kind of people keep such a list?!)  Thank you also for sending the picture, I was regretting on the flights home yesterday that I didn’t have some pictures to remember the evening . Mark’s forgotten clothing definitely represent a subconscious wish to return!   We made it home safely, and all was well at home.  Thank you for everything, we are already plotting our return!


    It was a true pleasure meeting you. Paris, like the few very special things in life, was better than we remembered. The people, the fashions, the food, and the joie de vivre are unsurpassed. What made it even better was meeting you and having such a wonderful dinner together. The evening was the highlight of our trip; filled with great food and conversation.  
Have a nice spring, à la prochaine,

Carolyn and Marc, Idaho USA April 2013


Dearest Martinn,

We arrived safely home, our heads full of Paris, art, music, new friends and our stomachs full of wonderful French food, most of it from you! Thank you for our heavenly holiday. We loved the flat, how cozy and comfortable it was and how central. It was a perfect hideout from the cold and the busyness of the city. We both feel restored and ready to face the world again.

Lucy, the Birthday Girl, and Pete, UK  February March 2013

“The Perfect Parisian Haven”


Reviewed March 7, 2013 for a stay in February 2013


1person found this review helpful


We have just returned from a perfect week (booked for my 50th birthday) in Paris. This heavenly, cozy little flat is right bank in the centre of Paris. It takes 2 minutes to walk to rue Montorgueil, paved with the best bakers, chocolate shops, cafes, wine shops...on and on the delights go! In 20 minutes you can walk to nearly every major site in Paris. We used the Metro once in a whole week despite really cold weather. Read the list of sites on the doorstep on the website, but art, music, food, restaurant lovers will not know which way to turn!
The flat is so cozy and warm and perfect for two. There are shelves full of books about Paris, and a really good kitchen. Also an excellent shower and bath, which was lovely after a cold day's wandering.
The only tragedy was not having time to try every shop, cafe and restaurant recommended by Martinn. We will just have to come back! Really this place is heavenly and Martinn is the perfect host, full of information and a life time of knowledge of Paris, plus perfect English and a warmth and love for her city that makes you want to wear the pavements out discovering all she recommends.
Thank you Martinn. We will see you again soon.

 Pete and Lucy, London


"Because of health issues we have had to cancel our much-anticipated trip to Paris and our stay in Martinn's apartment (in June 2013)

It was no surprise that Martinn was understanding and very accommodating of our situation because she had already set a very high standard with her frequent and very welcoming communication.

At a time when we are having to adjust to a few changes in our lives we are warmed by the compassion and support Martinn has shown

We wish her well and hope to return to beautiful Paris soon"

Our thanks and very kind regards

Stephen and Jilly (Sydney, Australia) February 2013


Let me please answer your very kind comment : First of all,  of course I am sorry about this health situation and I know you are sincere.  You booked a year ahead and could not know Jilly would need a surgery in between. You were able to tell me a way ahead (Febuary for June).

You were very polite and you sent the medical certificate.

So I don't know how I could have refused such justified cancelation.

But there are rules and relationship. Dealing with this issue when the guests are so kind and respectful, I could not say it is a pleasure to receive a cancelation, but it makes it easy.

          Now I wish Jilly to go through this surgery as smoothly as possible, to get a new hip and come to Paris soon being able to stroll the  beautiful streets and artful museums. It will be a treat for me to meet you for real.

My very best regards,



Martinn, Thank you for your lovely email!!!!...yes I am home safely and now after a week feeling a lot better... I had a wonderful time and thank you so much for your hospitality... You certainly made my stay in Paris wonderful...Will certainly keep in touch.. and look forward to hopefully visiting you agsin very soon.. Take care and thank you so much for everything.. I really appreciate all you did for me..

Michelle Australia,  January 2013


 Excellent choice

Reviewed January 15, 2013 for a stay in December 2012


We couldn't have asked for more. Martinn is an excellent hostess who went out of her way to ensure our visit in Paris was an enjoyable success, providing information on where to go and how to get there. The apartment is as shown and has everything we needed for our 9 night stay. It is located near the market street so we shopped like a local for all our provisions when we didn't eat at the excellent nearby cafes and restaurants. It is also close to and walking distance to Metro stations and the major tourist sites which was important to us as we visited in December/January when it is mid Winter - although it turned out to be a mild one. Martinn provided a bottle of bubbly as well as one gourmet breakfast and dinner as part of the package which were all delicious. I would not hesitate to recommend the apartment.


Shiralee and JJ, Melbourne AU


“Nice hostess, nice apartment in a true Paris neighborhood”


Reviewed January 8, 2013 for a stay in December 2012


My wife, teenage daughter, and I stayed at Martinn's cute apartment for 6 days. It is in the second arrondisement, a 5 minute walk to Les Halles metro stop in a real Paris neighborhood. Martinn is a nice hostess and the breakfast she made us our first morning set the tone for a great experience. The apartment is good sized and in good shape. We would stay there again.


 California, USA   Jody, Jason and Camille,


“"location, location, location" just perfect”


Reviewed November 6, 2012 for a stay in October 2012


I have just returned from a 3 night stay in Martinn's perfect apartment.
Myself and my 14 year old daughter enjoyed all Paris had to offer.
We walked everywhere from this perfectly located spot.
We would return every night to sleep in the very comfortable bed and sofa-bed.
we didn't cook but the kitchen had everything you could want.
Martinn was very helpful on our arrival and we followed her many recommendations with regard to eating out.
her local knowledge was invaluable.

Dublin, IR Derek and Anna



"One of the highlights of our trip to Paris this summer was the time we spent with Martine for a wonderful tour that included culture, history, and food! We met at the Place des Victoires by the statue of Louis XIV and from the very first moment we were thrilled that we decided to schedule a tour with Martine. She brought us to several local passages and shared stories and local history that we would never learn on our own. She made reservations in advance at the Grand Colbert, a grand restaurant indeed, where she explained items on the menu and helped us make delicious selections. After our lovely lunch we continued our tour of medieval landmarks, cooking shops, and other local highlights and worked up an appetite to thoroughly enjoy more tasty food! Martine had arranged a tasting at a local cheese shop followed by more treats in a nearby chocolate shop. All this was accompanied by a delicious red wine and brought a wonderful end to a fabulous time with Martine. When you visit Paris, make sure to schedule a tour with her. You'll be glad you did!"

Now we need to return....


Pat & Barry, NJ, USA July 2012


Thanks, Martinn! We had a great time today. The tours, lunch, cheese, wine, chocolate - and coffee at your place were all fabulous!


Pat and Denis, New Jersey, USA

July 31st  2012


“A Great apartment in the Heart of Paris”


Reviewed October 30, 2011 for a stay in October 2011


2people found this review helpful


Everything about this apartment worked brilliantly. The location is perfect, right in the centre of a busy and vibrant quarter, yet because of the secluded and pleasant courtyard, very calm and peaceful.
Good facilities, comfortable furniture, friendly neighbours, and plenty of information within. We would thoroughly recommend this lovely location.


  Lynn Edinburgh, Scotland UK


“Marvelous Quarter, Wonderful apartment”


Reviewed October 20, 2011 for a stay in October 2011


We stayed here in October 2011 and couldn't have been happier. Tres vivant quarter of Paris on the outside with great restaurants, bars, boutiques and fabulous food stores all around; a lovely quiet ground-level apartment on the inside. A very caring and attentive


owner completes the package for a perfect stay in the City of Light. We'll be back again to stay here.


Robin and Gary, Seattle  Washington USA,




“Truly a Key2Paris”


Reviewed August 12, 2011 for a stay in June 2011


Although very close to two different Metro lines, I walked everywhere as the apartment is so convenient and in such a great area. Located between Opera Garnier and the Marais and only a few minutes from the Louvre and Seine, it also has some of the finest bakeries/delis, gourmet food and supply shops within short blocks and maintains a real neighborhood feeling with cafes and grocery stores. I loved the farmers market and concerts at St. Eustache nearby. Yet it's very secure and quiet so one can rest after a busy day and crowds of tourists.
If you're looking for a clean, comfortable home away from home with a gourmet kitchen, top line appliances including a washer and dryer, plenty of hot water, this is the place. I loved the décor, light and airy with windows facing the courtyard and that it stayed cool in the heat of summer. The Wifi, cable TV, and phone all worked perfectly. Martine and her crew were helpful with online suggestions and a bookshelf of Paris tour books, novels and Dvds. Highly recommend. I'll be back.


Peg,  LA  CA , USA   


 Autumn break in Paris

Reviewed for a stay in October 2009

We stayed for 4 nights and would certainly recommend this apartment. The charming courtyard setting gives you peace and security but once outside you have immediate access to all amenities and excellent food shopping.

The apartment is very comfortable and well equipped. We enjoyed our stay and felt very much at home. The location provided excellent access to public transport and it is easy to walk to many historic places of interest.

Sheila, Leads Yorkshire